Students’ Accuracy and Fluency in Impromptu Speech Practice

22 assumption of current CLT into some points. The presentation of the points is explained as follows. 1. Second language learning is facilitated when learners are engaged in interaction and meaningful communication. 2. Effective Classroom learning tasks and exercises provide opportunities for students to negotiate meaning, expand their language resources, notice how language is used, and take part in meaningful intrapersonal exchange. 3. Meaningful communication results from students processing content that is relevant, purposeful, interesting, and engaging. 4. Learners develop their own routes to language learning, progress at different rates, and have different needs and motivations for language learning. 5. Successful language learning involves the use of effective learning and communication strategies. 6. The role of the teacher in the language Classroom is that of a facilitator, who creates a Classroom climate conducive to language learning and provides opportunities for students to use and practice the language and to reflect on language use and language learning. 7. The Classroom is a community where learners learn together through collaboration and sharing.

4. Speaking Class in Critical Listening and Speaking 1

Some of English Department has a speaking Class. Specifically, the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University has Critical Listening and Speaking CLS Class as the advance stage for the students who had passed Basic Speaking 1 and 2. Critical Listening and Speaking Class itself has two stages which are CLS 1 and CLS 2. In this research, the researcher picked CLS 1 as the object of the research. This research observed the implementation of impromptu speeck practice when the students had speaking session. In the speaking session, the lecturer provides the opportunity to the students to speak freely in Class through the implementation of impromptu speech practice. Zarefsky 1996 states that, the 23 expectations from speeches course are making students to become better organized, guiding students to learn more about preparing a speech, or to help students to think more clearly and critically. Critical Listening and Speaking 1 Class which provides impromptu speech practice is one of the most beneficial courses because it forces the students to perform a speech in front of many people. It can also improve students‟ ability to speak in front of audience because they only have a little time to prepare the main idea of the topic. As Zarefsky 1996 adds, by improving presentation skills, students may become more self-confident and more willing to engage in serious dialogue with others. In CLS 1 Class, the lecturer is not only giving the students opportunity to practice the impromptu speech practice, but also another type of speech. In order to know the situation in real life conversation, the lecturer provides another materials about doing speech. According to Ross 1996, in order to master speech in public, there are some types of speeches which have to be mastered. Speeches are given every day to inform, to persuade and to entertain.

a. Speech to Inform

The speakers inform the audience with new information, help the audience to understand more deeply about some information the audience has already possessed. According to Grice and Skinner 1993 speech to inform is a speech to impart knowledge, enhance understanding, or facilitate application of information. The lecturer in CLS 1 Class provides the opportunity to the students to experience an informative speech in front of audience.