Questionnaire Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

35 defines an interview as a process in which a researcher and participant engage in a conversation focused on questions related to a research study. The main purpose of an interview was to obtain students‟ and lecturer‟s responses to the implementation of impromptu speech practice. According to Merriam 2009, there are many types of interviews. This research conducted a structured interview for the lecturer of CLS 1 Class D, and an unstructuredinformal interview for some students of CLS 1 Class D. Table 3.3: Interview Structure Continuum, developed from Merriam 2009 Structured Interview UnstructuredInformal interview - Wording of questions is predetermined - Order of questions is predetermined - Interview is oral form of a written survey - In qualitative studies, usually used to obtain demographic data - Examples: U.S Census Bureau Survey, Marketing Surveys - Open-ended questions - Flexible, exploratory - More like a conversation - Used when researcher does not know the phenomenon - Goal is learning from this interview to formulate questions for later interviews - Used primarily in ethnography participant, observation, and case study The researcher conducted an interview with the lecturer of CLS 1 Class in order to gather more information about students‟ responses to the implementation of impromptu speech practice based on the lecturer‟s point of view. The researcher asked the lecturer of CLS 1 Class D about students‟ responses during the implementation of impromptu speech practice, students‟ values and preference likes or dislikes, students‟ attitudes and beliefs what they are thinking, students‟ achievements, and also students‟ weaknesses and strength. In this research, the researcher chose the lecturer of CLS 1 class D because the researcher 36 wanted to confirm the students‟ answers to the questionnaire. In addition, the interview to the lecturer is important. The purpose of the interview is to gather the personal experience of the lecturer regarding to the students‟ responses to the implementation of impromptu speech practice. Furthermore, in order to get more data about students‟ suggestions for further implementation of impromptu speech practice, the researcher asked three students in an informal interview who had unique answers. According to Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2011, the interview is a flexible tool for data collection, enabling multi-sensory channels to be used: verbal, non-verbal, spoken and heard. The researcher used member check strategy in the interview in which the researcher gave back the summary of the interview in a script form to the lecturer to ensure that the information is accurate.

E. Data Analysis Techniques

There were three steps in analyzing this research. Miles and Huberman 1984 define, analysis consists of three con-current flows of activity: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawingverification. The explanation of three con-current flows of analysis activity is presented as follows.

1. Data Reduction Strategy

Since the researcher used more than one source of data, the researcher got various data. In order to get the needed data, the researcher made a data reduction. Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in written-up field notes or transcriptions Miles Huberman, 1984. In addition, data reduction is a form of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 37 analysis that sharpens, sorts, focuses, discards, and organizes data in such a way that final conclusions can be drawn and verified Tesch, 1990. After gathering the data, the researcher reduced the data into small patterns. The data were transformed through selection, summary of interview transcript and by being coded in a small pattern. Miles Huberman 1984 add that as data collection proceeds, further episodes of data reduction occur writing summaries, coding, teasing out themes, making cluster, making partitions, and writing memos. In this study, the researcher developed coding categories. Developing coding systems in qualitative research faces similar parameters Bogdan Biklen 2003. Particular research questions and concerns generate certain categories. In this research, the researcher separated the data into codes family. The purpose of coding in codes family was to help the researcher to understand what the codes are and some specific ideas for coding possibilities, not to present an exhaustive scheme from which the researcher mechanically borrow. Bogdan and Biklen 2003 develop code family which are explained as follows. Table 3.4: Code Family. Developed From Bogdan and Biklen 2003 Code Family Descriptions SettingContext Codes General information on the setting topic, or subject Definition of Situation Codes To place units of data that tell you how the subjects define the setting of particular topic. Perspectives held by Subjects Codes oriented toward ways of thinking all or some subjects share that are not as general as their overall definition of the situation but indicate orientations toward particular aspects of a setting. Subjects‟ ways of thinking about People and Objects The subjects‟ understanding of each other, of outsiders, and of the objects that make up their world. 38 Process Codes Words and phrases that facilitates categorizing sequences of events, changes over time, or passages from one type or kind of status to another. Activity Codes Codes that are directed at regularly occurring kinds of behavior. Event Codes It is directed as units of data that are related to specific activities that occur in the setting or in the lives of the subjects you are interviewing. Strategy Codes The tactics, methods, techniques, maneuvers, ploys, and other conscious ways people accomplish various things. Relationship and Social Structure Codes Regular patterns of behavior among people not officially defined by the organizational chart. Units of data that direct you to cliques, friendships, romance, coalitions, enemies and mentorsstudents. Narrative Codes It describes the structure of talk itself. Method Codes It isolates material pertinent to research procedures, problems, joys, dilemmas and the like. The researcher chose three codes family in order to get the point of the data. the three codes family are activity codes, perspectives held by subjects and subjects ways of thinking. After coding the data, the researcher displayed the data in the form of narrative descriptive.

2. Data Display Strategy

The data display is a brief explanation of data. According to Miles and Huberman 1984, a display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action. Looking at display helped the researcher to understand what was happening and to do something – either analyze further or take action – based ob the understanding. The researcher displayed the data in the form of text. Miles and Huberman 1984 state that the most frequent form of display for qualitative data in the past has been extended text. In addition, Faust 1982 says extended text can overload human‟s PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI