Choosing a Problem for Research



This chapter deals with the presentation and discussion of the research findings which provide the answers to the research questions. The research questions are: What students’ responses to the implementation of impromptu speech practice are and What students’ suggestions for further implementation of impromptu speech practice to improve students’ speaking skills are. The researcher presented the data in a form of words.

A. Study Site

The researcher conducted the research on students of the third semester in Critical Listening and Speaking 1 Class D. The number of students who took the course was 30 students. The female students were 23 people, and the male students were 7 people. The research was conducted in three phases which were observation Class by the researcher and a peer-observer, questionnaire for the students, and an interview with the lecturer and three students of CLS 1 Class D. The researcher did the observation on November 12 nd , 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in K15 of ELESP Sanata Dharma University together with the peer-observer. The researcher distributed the questionnaire on March 16 th , 2016, in the multimedia room USD at 9.00 a.m. The questionnaire was filled by 30 students. Moreover, the researcher conducted a formal interview with the lecturer of CLS 1 Class D on April 8 th , 2016 in PBI common room for 11 minutes. The researcher also made an PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 informal interview with three students regarding the students‟ responses to the implementation of impromptu speech practice and the students‟ suggestions for further implementation of impromptu speech practice.

B. Data Analysis

The data analysis consisted of three stages. The stages were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawingverification. The following section is the explanation of each part.

1. Data Reduction

The researcher obtained plenty of data so that the researcher had to record the results carefully. The amount of the data which had been collected were complex. As proposed by Miles and Hubberman 1984, the activity in qualitative data analysis performed interactively and ran continuously until complete, so that the data were already saturated. Therefore, the researcher conducted a data reduction by reading the data as many as possible. After reading the data, the researcher finally found the results that had been obtained. The researchers tried to summarize and choose the subject matter of the research data. Before writing the data in a narrative description, the researchers generated several themes containing the results of the data which had been obtained. Then, the researcher focused on the important things to make the theme of the research. However, before the researcher generated the themes, the researcher made categorization through coding. The following section is the coding category which had been chosen by the researcher.