Data Display Data Analysis

54 In order to know deeper about the student‟ responses, the researcher decided to have an informal interview. The researcher conducted the informal interview to the student who presented impromptu speech practice uncofidently. After the class was over, the researcher came to the student and had an informal interview. The researcher asked directly about the students‟ responses during the implementation of impromptu speech practice. Researcher : “Menurut kamu itu berkat impromptu speech practice atau karena kamu sudah siap sama topiknya?” Own translation: In your opinion, was it because of the implementation of impromptu speech practice or because you have been ready with the topic from your group? Student B : “Dua-duanya menurutku kak. Aku sih udah siap sama topic yang sama grupku itu, tapi sebenernya juga berkat impromptu speech aku jadi lebih siap diliatin sama penonton yang banyak banget.” Own translation: In my opinion, it was because of both of them. I have been ready with the topic. In addition, it is because of impromptu speech practice I’ve become more ready to be faced by the audience which are so many. The full informal interview was provided upon request. The responses from the students were changed into a positive response. A student said, “It really triggers my adrenaline to talk in front of the Class and think faster.” A student who said that the implementation of impromptu speech practice was not really interesting, finally changed his responses to the following statement in the questionnaire about the benefits of impromptu speech practice, “I got so much pleasure and happiness during the implementation of impromptu speech practice, the lecturer actually makes the Class become more interes ting”. A student added, “It was hard at first, but by the time, I have many improvements especially in speaking in front of the audience. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 b. Theme 2: The implementation of impromptu speech practice improves students‟ speaking skills. Theme 2 was the presentation of data to support the answer of research question number 1 RQ1 After observing the Class together with the peer-observer, the researcher found that a student who presented the impromptu speech became better in the following presentation with her friends. The observation showed that, “The student looks confident after practicing impromptu speech practice”. The student showed her confidence by starring at the audience when presenting group presentation. The stud ents‟ answers to the questionnaire were also said that students became more confident after practicing impromptu speech practice. A student said, “Impromptu speech practice helps me to be brave speaking in front of others. I can try to speak with other people and pay attention to grammar, pronunciation and body language ”. Another student added, “Impromptu speech practice is increasing my self- confident. ” A student said, “It teaches us to be more confident and more creative to elaborate topic ”. A student also said that he could minimize nervous feeling. He wrote, “I can learn how to speak in public without nervous”. Another student also said that she could handle her nervous feeling. She said, “I can easily handle my nervousness ”. The peer-observer wrote that the students were not prepared well, however, a student confessed that, “Impromptu speech practice teaches us to be ready to speak in front of the Class ”. The other student said that the implementation of impromptu speech practice was important to improve students‟ speaking skills. A student wrote, 56 “The implementation of impromptu speech practice is really important because it can improve my speaking skills. Impromptu speech practice makes my mind think quickly”. Another student said, “Impromptu speech practice really strengthen our ability to think fast and accurate. Then, it helps me to talk clearly and effectively,” The other student said, “It makes me think straight to the point,”. In addition, a student said, “After practicing impromptu speech, I can control myself and easily get idea to speak ”. Moreover, some students admitted that they could integrate theirselves in real life communication through impromptu speech practice by saying, “By imposing impromptu speech practice, students can speak fluently especially in front of many people ”. In line with the students‟ answers, the lecturer said that students got two significant improvements because of the implementation of impromptu speech practice. The lecturer said that students became more confident and they could elaborate the topic in a good way, the lecturer added, For me, it is improving them in a way that they become more confident to speak and they know how to organize ideas better. So, I think, those two things are the most significant progress that I can see from the students. As far as I can see, the two main positive effects are that they students become more confident and they are able to organize the ideas better. The lecturer also said that the students could improve their speaking skills in many occasions. The students did not only improve the speaking skills in the Class, but also in another occasion. The lecturer said, They told me that they could speak better, not only in impromptu speech but also in their other presentation. It’s easier for them to be free from notes after practicing impromptu speech. 57 In the questionnaire, some students also wrote that in a real life conversation, people were expected to speak directly without any preparation. The students considered that the implementation of impromptu speech practice really taught the students to speak in a real life conversation. A student said, “I realize that in real life we cannot bring a note to be explained while speaking each other. Well, impromptu speech practice helps me so much to arrange the topic to be explained”. Another student added, “I can normally speaking to other people in a good way, in addition, we can practice how to use body language in an appropriate way when speaking with other people”. c. Theme 3: The implementation of impromptu speech practice is already good, but needs to be developed. Theme 3 was the presentation of data to support the answer of research question number 2 RQ2 On the questionnaire which was distributed by the researcher, the researcher put a question about students‟ suggestions on the implementation of impromptu speech practice. Some students said that the implementation of impromptu speech practice was already good and interesting. A student wrote, “Just maintain a good work”. However, some students also gave suggestions for further implementation of impromptu speech practice. A student said that CLS 1 Class was an interesting Class, but sometimes the lecturer did not come to the class. A student said, “I wish the Class will never be dismissed anymore. ” Another student also said that the implementation of impromptu speech practice needed to be held much longer. The student said, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 58 “The duration of Impromptu Speech Practice can be much longer, not only at the beginning of the Class. Is it possible for having impromptu speech practice in every speaking Class ?”. The students believed tha t students‟ speaking skills would be improved by the time the lecturer gave suggestions and feedback after the students presented the impromptu speech practice. Another student wrote his suggestion in the questionnaire provided as follows, “Maybe the lecturer can give more interesting topics so that the students will not feel bored. In the end, she should give us a brief feedback ”. In addition, the student said that lecturer‟s role was really important to help the students reached the goals. A student said, “I suggest so that the lecturer can make a personal reflection for us after the Class is over ”. In order to assure the students‟ suggestions on the implementation of impromptu speech practice, the researcher decided to make an informal interview with two students of Critical Listening and Speaking 1 Class D. The answers from those two students were almost similar to the answer from the questionnaire. Here is the informal transcript which had been conducted by the researcher. Student 1 : Kalo menurutku, waktu nya sangat terbatas. Mahasiswa mungkin cuma dapet 1 atau 2 kali presentasi di depan kelas. Jadi rasanya kurang greget kalo cuma sekali dua kali. Bisa dibuat lebih lama. Own transcript: In my opinion, the time was very limited. The students only got 2-3 opportunities to present in front of the Class. It think we can make it longer Student2 : aku juga setuju sama student 1. Jadi kalo Cuma sekali itu rasanya masih deg-degan mbak. Kalo dua kali sih udah lumayan terbiasa. Coba kalo lebih dari 2 kali, pasti lebih fasih ngomongnya. Own translation: I agree with him. If it is only one turn, I still felt nervous. On the second turn, I become better. If it is more than twice, I will be more fluent in speaking 59 The students realized that the implementation of impromptu speech practice was really important. The students suggested that the implementation of impromptu speech practice should be done repetitively for every student, so that the student could be more accustomed to speaking in front of the audience. They also wanted the impromptu speech practice can be held not only in speaking Class, but also in every course which PBI Sanata Dharma has. In the informal interview, a student added, Sebenernya mungkin aja lho mbak kalo semua dosen, nggak hanya dosen CLS 1 atau CLS2 di PBI Sanata Dharma mengadakan impromptu speech practice di setiap pelajarannya. Soalnya menurut kami, impromptu speech itu membantu banget dalam komunikasi sama orang-orang. Student1 Actually, it is still possible if all lecturers not only in CLS 1 or CLS2 implements impromptu speech practice in every course. In our opinion, impromptu speech really helps us to communicate each other. The implementation of impromptu speech practice was considered to be the most important activity to improve students‟ speaking skills. The students got many benefits through the implementation of impromptu speech practice. Therefore, the lecturers of PBI Sanata Dharma University should develop more materials to improve students ‟ speaking skills.

3. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

Based on the analysis of the three themes, the answers to the research questions can be identified. The researcher found out students‟ responses through the actions and thoughts of the students. McKechnie 1981 states that response is an act or action of responding as by an answer, a responsive or corresponding act or feeling, or a responding act to a motivating force or situation. Moreover, 60 Braun 1979 says that response refers to any act or thought related to the satisfaction or reduction of a drive. In general, students‟ responses were various and different with each other because the students had their own perception. Aiken 1969 defines perception as the processess by which the living organism deals with the multitude of sensations and thus relates successfully to its environment are referred to collectivity. The results showed that the students ‟ responses change positively from the beginning until the end of CLS1 class . Students ‟ responses to the implementation of impromptu speech practice changed from negative into positive ways. Most of the students realized that the implementation of impromptu speech practice was hard at the beginning. Omaggio 1989 says teaching approaches that emphasize the use of rote imitation, extensive motivation and exclusively manipulative practice in the beginning phases, are not easily adapted in order to get proficiency goals. The students tended to be passive in the implementation of impromptu speech practice because they were not accustomed to speak in a spontaneous way. In addition, Koch 1988 says that impromptu speech demands a great deal of the speaker since it seldom gives time for advanced thought or preparation. However, after the lecturer gave several practices to the students , students‟ responses were changed in positive ways. It means that the continuous practices which were done by the lecturer helped the students to be accustomed to speak better. The students‟ experience on the implementation of impromptu speech practice led the students to speak better. Aiken 1969 says that learning has 61 frequently been defined more or less operationnally as a change in behaviour resulting from experience. Moreover, the lecturer always gave some activities which push the students to be accustomed to speak spontaneously such as talking to the wall, to the chair, or to the other students. As Ommagio 1989 says the use of small-group and paired communicative practice has several advantages in building oral proficiency. Additionally, the lecturer always gave free time to the students to communicate each other. According to Richards 2005, communicative practice refers to activities where practice in using language within a real communicative context is the focus, where real information is exchanged, and where the language used is not totally predictable. In this case, the lecturer had already given a communicative practice to the students. It means that the continuous practices which were done by the lecturer affected students‟ behavior. It is linear with a Classical conditioning by Pavlov 1927. Classical Conditioning means an association between a conditioned stimulus and a response is repeatedly strengthen through the presentation of that stimulus with another, unconditioned one Pavlov, 1927. Therefore, the more implementation of impromptu speech practice changes students‟ responses in positive ways. As the responses from the students were changed in positive ways, the students got many benefits after practicing impromptu speech. After practicing impromptu speech practice, students could improve their speaking skills. In this study, the students could understand the topic which was presented and also the situation while the students were presenting their topic. Moreover, students‟ 62 competence on speaking was increased. Chomsky 1965 says that competence refers to knowledge of the language, including rules of grammar, vocabulary, and how linguistic elements can be combined to form acceptable sentences. It could be concluded that s tudents‟ speaking skills became proficient and better especially in elaborating the topic. The American Heritage Dictionnary of the English Language 1978 defines proficiency as performing in a given art, skill or branch of knowledge with expert correctness and facility or a high degree of competence through training. In addition, the students were able to elaborate the topic well. According to Boundless 2015, the speakers of impromptu speech are generally in control of the content they were presenting, so they could include topics that they want to talk about. It directly means that, in practicing impromptu speech practice, the students can put any topic which is related to the main topic given by the lecturer. As it is stated by Wilson, Arnold and Wertheimer 1994, impromptu speech can be a demanding test of understanding because it forces someone to put instantly to use what someone already know. Furthermore, the lecturer also confessed that the students can elaborate the topic very well by saying, “They are able to organize the ideas better”. The term “organize ideas better” means that the students could develop their idea spontaneuously. Moreover, after practicing impromptu speech practice, the students were accustomed to speak confidently and directly in daily conversation. Furthermore, the lecturer always gave the students time to speak in communicative ways. Richards 2005 says, communicative practice refers to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 63 activities where practice in using language within a real communicative context is the focus, where real information is exchanged and where the language used is not totaly predictable. The student confessed that they became more confident in speaking. The lecturer also said that the students tended to be more active in another occasion especially in communicating with others. As Hymes 1976 says, being able to communicate required more than linguistic competence; it required communicative competence – knowing when and how to say what to whom. In this occasion, the students tended to be able to communicate with others well. Their confidence was also boosted because of the implementation of impromptu speech practice. Through impromptu speech practice, the students knew how to communicate with others in a good way without feeling unconfident. However, the implementation of impromptu speech practice needs to be developed. Pash and Sparks-Langer 1991 say that, teachers who reflect on their teaching methods and practices are better teacher than those who do not. Teachers should develop teaching method continuously. The students thought that the implementation of impromptu speech practice was very important for everyone. They suggested having an impromptu speech practice in every subject which is held by all lecturers in the English Language Education Study Program. In addition, the students hoped that the lecturer could give a reflective feedback on students‟ improvements of impromptu speech practice. Hatch 1978 emphasizes that students will be helped by teacher‟s interlocutors‟ input and feedback. Furthermore, besides the language input, learners also need feedback in the form