29 Class D. The researcher observed the Classroom activity of Critical Listening and Speaking 1 Class D CLS 1 Class D, then distributed questionnaire for the students. After that, the researcher interviewed the lecturer and some students of CLS 1 Class D about students‟ responses to the implementation of impromptu speech practice and students‟ suggestions for further implementation of impromptu speech practice.

C. Research Participants

The researcher chose the participants from the fourth semester students of Critical Listening and Speaking 1 class D in academic year of 20142015 at English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The researcher chose the participants specifically in CLS1 Class D because the students in CLS1 D had experienced the implementation of impromptu speech practice. The researcher also chose three students to be interviewed because those three students have unique answers from the questionnaire. In doing the observation, the researcher was helped by a peer-observer. Since the research was focused on the implementation of impromptu speech practice, the researcher observed the implementation of impromptu speech practice from the beginning of the Class until the end of the Class. The participants in CLS 1 class D were 30 students. The researcher also conducted an interview with the lecturer of CLS 1 Class D who had been together in a semester with the students. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30

D. Research Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

In gathering the needed data, the researcher used more than one instrument. The researcher used three instruments in order to get many sources of data. Many sources were better in a study than a single source because multiple sources lead to a fuller understanding of the phenomena which the researcher was studying Bogdan Biklen, 2003. The instruments used in this research were observation, questionnaire, and interview. 1. Observation The researcher conducted an observation in order to analyze students‟ responses to the implementation of impromptu speech practice. According to Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2011, observation is more than just looking. It is looking often systematically and noting systematically always people, events, behaviors, and settings. According to Cohen, Manion and Morrison 2011, observation is a widely used means of data collection and takes many forms. The researcher and peer-observer did the observation on Monday and Thursday at 11.00 a.m. in CLS 1 Class, in K15. Actually, the reswearcher did the observation for four times. The following table is the date of observation. Table 3.1: The Observation Schedule No Activity Date Time 1 Observation I Monday, November 2 nd , 2015 11.00 a.m. – 12.50 a.m. 2 Observation II Thursday, November 5 th , 2015 11.00 a.m. – 12.50 a.m. 3 Observation III Monday, November 9 th , 2015 11.00 a.m. – 12.50 a.m. 4 Observation IV Together with a peer-observer Thursday, November 12 nd , 2015 11.00 a.m. – 12.50 a.m. 31 In this research, the researcher conducted an observation sheet to help the researcher and peer-observer to analyze the students‟ response in the Classroom activity. The observation sheet is provided in appendix A. A peer-observer in Classroom observation was also used in order to improve the objectivity of the research. Observations Morrison, 1993, p.80 enable the researcher to gather the data on: - the physical setting e.g. the physical environment and its organization; - the human setting e.g. the organization of people, the characteristics and make up of the groups or individuals being observed, for instance, gender, Class; - the interactional setting e.g. the interactions that are taking place, formal, informal, planned, unplanned, verbal, non-verbal, etc.; - theprogramme setting e.g. the resources and their organization, pedagogic styles, curricula and their organization. The researcher developed an observation sheet and divided the observation sheet into three parts. The first part was the observation of physical setting Classroom condition, human setting participants and interactional setting activity which used statements and notes. On the second part, the researcher made a time-table of the activity which was used to analyze the activity based on the time provided. On the last part, the researcher made blank descriptive analysis and reflective analysis to be filled by the researcher and the peer-observer Angrosino, 2007.

2. Questionnaire

I n order to know the students‟ point of view, the researcher generated a questionnaire sheet for the students. Questionnaire is one of the instruments in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI