Data Display Strategy Data Analysis Techniques

42 perspectives of the implementation of impromptu speech practice. Then, the researcher presented the questionnaires from the students in the form of words. After analizing the questionnaire and the observation, the researcher made an appointment with the lecturer of Critical Listening and Speaking 1 Class D to have a formal interview section. The aim of the interview section was to get data from lecturer‟s point of view on the students‟ responses in CLS 1 Class, especially on the implementation of impromptu speech practice. The researcher mentioned some questions regarding to students‟ responses, behavior, strengths, weaknesses, and progress on the implementation of impromptu speech practice. After having the interview, the researcher summarized the interview in the form of narrative text, then the researcher gave the summary back to the lecturer to make sure that the point of the interview was stated as in the summary. The researcher also conducted an informal interview with three students with different responses. The aim of an informal interview was to strengthen students‟ responses and suggestions on the implementation of impromptu speech practice.

3. Analyzing Data

The researcher used data analysis techniques which were developed by Miles and Huberman 1994. The analyzing data consisted of three parts which are data reduction, data display and conclusionverification. The result was not only based on the researcher‟s interpretation, but also from the peer-observer, students‟ own responses and the lecturer‟s point of view. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 43

4. Writing the research report

After the researcher finally collected all of the data. The researcher consulted the results with the advisor to make sure whether the data and the process were appropriate or not. Finally, the researcher reported the result of the data. The researcher presented the data in a form of words.