Speech to Persuade Speech to Entertain

28 scope. This research investigated an activity in a Class which is the implementation of impromptu speech practice. Moreover, Cohen Manion 1989 state that a case study work comes under the heading of evaluation. Therefore, the aim of this research was to evaluate the implementation of impromptu speech practice. In gathering the data, the researcher used more than one source of data. Rosman and Rallis 1998 mention that qualitative research uses multiple methods that are interactive and humanistic. The researcher used triangulation strategy by using multiple source of data survey, interview, and observation in order to minimize researcher‟s bias Miles Huberman, 1984. Furthermore, in order to convey the idea that establishes a fact, researchers needed more than one source of information Bogdan Bicklen, 2003. Creswell 2007 also adds that the involvement of multiple sources of information is suggested in order to grab the complete illustration of the phenomenon being investigated and it is allowed the triangulation as an important aspect in the qualitative study. The strategies and instruments for data collection used by the researcher were survey distributing questionnaire, interview formal and informal, and observation as it is suggested by Cohen, Manion, and Morison 2011.

B. Research Setting

The researcher did the research in Critical Listening and Speaking 1 Class D at the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University 29 Class D. The researcher observed the Classroom activity of Critical Listening and Speaking 1 Class D CLS 1 Class D, then distributed questionnaire for the students. After that, the researcher interviewed the lecturer and some students of CLS 1 Class D about students‟ responses to the implementation of impromptu speech practice and students‟ suggestions for further implementation of impromptu speech practice.

C. Research Participants

The researcher chose the participants from the fourth semester students of Critical Listening and Speaking 1 class D in academic year of 20142015 at English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The researcher chose the participants specifically in CLS1 Class D because the students in CLS1 D had experienced the implementation of impromptu speech practice. The researcher also chose three students to be interviewed because those three students have unique answers from the questionnaire. In doing the observation, the researcher was helped by a peer-observer. Since the research was focused on the implementation of impromptu speech practice, the researcher observed the implementation of impromptu speech practice from the beginning of the Class until the end of the Class. The participants in CLS 1 class D were 30 students. The researcher also conducted an interview with the lecturer of CLS 1 Class D who had been together in a semester with the students. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI