testuser is challenged via SMS.

Managing Groups 12-3

12.3 Group Usage

Groups are used in the following items: ■ Policies A policy is linked to a User ID group or all users and members of the user group or all users that are evaluated. The Policy Tree shows the linking of User ID groups to policies. ■ Rules within policies OAAM Admin applies rules on specified users, devices, or location groups to evaluate whether a fraud scenario occurred and to determine an outcome. A rule can trigger an action group, or an alert group, or both. ■ Conditions Some conditions use groups as a parameter type. For example, IP in IP Group. The condition takes IP Group name IP as a parameter. ■ Trigger combinations Alerts in groups are specified in the trigger combination. ■ Pre-condition User groups can be excluded in a policy. ■ Configurable Actions Members of a User ID group can be added to a User ID group dynamically using configurable actions.

12.4 User Flows

In the create and edit user flow, you always begin by searching for a group and then viewing the details before deciding if you want to update group membership, edit group details, or edit group members, or if you want to define a group. As an example user flow, the group creation flow, is shown in Figure 12–1 . Top-level Domains This group contains top-level domain names the last part of an Internet domain name, that is, the letters that follow the final dot of any domain name. Top-level domain names can be used to pass and block whole countries, for example,.uk, .ru, or .ca, and entire communities, for example, .mil, .info, .gov, or edu. Transaction Status This group contains the status of the user when a transaction is being performed. This is an enum group type. User ID This group contains User IDs. The customer uses a scheme to uniquely identify users. The User ID may not be unique across applications. The unique combination would be the Organization ID with the User ID. A special type of group is the Organization ID. Organization ID is a primary user group. A flag is set so that when users log in from the application, they are autopopulated into the group if they are not already members. You can use members of that group to scope policies. Table 12–1 Cont. Group Types Type Description