About Out-of-Band OTP Delivery How Does OTP Work?

Setting Up OTP Anywhere 9-5 ■ Customize Failure Counter

9.5.1 Setup Overview

Table 9–3 describes the tasks for customizing OTP usage. The table also provides information on where to get more details about each task. Table 9–3 Tasks in the OTP Setup Task Description Documentation Task 1 - Configure UMS Enable and configure User Messaging Service UMS for SMS delivery gateways on the SOA that the OAAM Server is configured to send messages through and the SMS delivery channel. UMS comes with a number of drivers that handle traffic for a specific channel. Configure UMS to use SMS for sending the one-time password. Refer to Configure UMS . Task 2- Set up UMS URLs and credentials. Set up UMS URLs and credentials so that OAAM can communicate with the UMS server via web services APIs to send the OTP code to the user via the challenge type. Refer to Section 9.5.3, Configuring UMS Server URLs and Credentials. Task 3 - Enable SMS challenge type. Enable the SMS challenge type so that it can be used to challenge the user if secondary authentication is required. Refer to Section 9.5.4, Enabling and Defining the OTP Challenge. Task 4 - Make sure out-of-the-box policies are available and active Make sure out-of-the-box policies are available and active. Refer to Section 9.5.5, Configuring Policies and Rules to Use OTP Challenge. Task 5 - Enable Registration and User Preferences and registration options Enable registration and user preferences. The user can use the pages for profile registration and resetting OTP profile. Refer to Section 9.5.6, Enabling Registration and Preferences. Task 6 - Set up the registration and preferences page input fields and validations Set up the registration and preferences page input fields for the user. Input properties includes maximum length for the email address the user can enter, validation for the email address field expression, and so on. Note: Any user facing strings need to be duplicated into resource bundle. Refer to Section 9.5.7, Customizing Registration Fields and Validations.