User Details: Groups Tab

6-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrators Guide for Oracle Adaptive Access Manager Device ID, Authentication Status, Session Success Count, Session Failure Count, Challenge Success Count, Challenge Failure Count, and Last Used On information are shown. The default sorting is on the Device ID. Device ID is unique and hence a Device ID is not repeated more than once in the results. The loginchallenge success and failure counts correspond to the aggregate counts for the timeframe. You can open the Device Details page by clicking the Device ID link.

6.11.4 User Details: Locations Tab

This tab lists all the locations from where the user had made successful and unsuccessful login attempts. Figure 6–16 User Details: Locations Table 6–13 User Details: Device Tab Field Description Device ID Uniquely identifies each device and is autogenerated by the application. Authentication Status Status of the session each logintransaction attempt creates a new session. For information, refer to Authentication Status . Last Used On Get all the devices which were used by the user to login during the given time duration. Viewing Additional Details for Investigation 6-23 The tab contains the following filter parameters: Results show the location, IP address, authentication status, session success count, session failure count, challenge success count, challenge failure count, and so on. If a location is chosen in the search, the location may appear in the results as many times as the different IP addresses the user has used for the location. For each location there are associated success and failure counts. Authentication Status and success and failure count values are related. For example, if there is a Success 1 value in the Authentication Status column, the Session Success Count column should show 1. If there is a Pending 1 value in the Authentication Status column, the Session Failure Count column should show 1. Location on the result is always detailed to city level. For example, United States, California, Fremont. The default sorting is on the location name. Data cannot be edited on this page.

6.11.5 User Details: Sessions Tab

This tab lists login sessions for a user for a particular period. Table 6–14 User Details: Locations Tab Filters Description Country Country ID State State ID. The State list is dynamically populated with respect to what has been selected for Country. For example, if United States is selected, whatever states are available for that country are shown under States. City City ID. The City list is dynamically populated with respect to what has been selected for in Country and State. IP Address Address mapped to a location usually, although some addresses are unknown or private Authentication Status Status of the session each logintransaction attempt creates a new session. For information, refer to Authentication Status . Last Used On Get all the locations from which the user logged in during the given time duration