Background of Study INTRODUCTION



A. Background of Study

Humans are social creatures who cannot live alone but they must always interact with each other. For these purposes, human beings use language as a mean of communication. In communication there are two kinds of language; they are formal language and informal language. To determine which category of the language it belongs to whether formal or informal we should look at the degree of politeness which is influenced by the speaker, the person who is spoken to and the context of the conversation. Formal English, for example, is used in international meeting and the writing of academic journal. Basically, to determine whether a text is using a variety of formal or informal can be observed from the selected vocabulary. Informal vocabulary in English includes slang or vocabulary called Slang Language language of jargon or slang. “Slang is a label frequently that is used to denote certain informal or faddy usages of nearly anyone in the speech community. ” 1 From the explanation, Slang includes informal language commonly used in everyday conversations. The slang vocabulary is always growing and developing as humans try to find a language that is fresh, interesting and colorful. 1 Stephan Gramley and Kurt Michael Patzold, a Survey of Modern English, Routledge: London and New York press, 1922, p.3. Slang sometimes can be vulgar, sex, humorous, and hard which is close to the language of young people. So it is not wrong to say that slang is the language of young people which is used by a lot of teenagers. The use of slang in American English is found almost in all the activities of community life there. Variations of this language can easily be found in various media such as newspapers, magazines, novels, music, and movies. In the movie, slang can be found in the presentation of different languages. Therefore to help us understanding American English language programs foreign in the movie we certainly need a translator. The function of the translator is to translate the language content of the source language movie the relevant foreign language into the target language Indonesian, so that we can grasp the content submitted by a movie. According to Newmark the definition of translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. 2 In translating the English slang language it is also associated with linguistic factors such as: phonology, phonetic, semantic, cultural factors and sociolinguistics that we often call the speech components. For example, “when we travel to college campuses in the United States U.S., do not be surprised if someone said, You so Obama This does not mean you look like President Barack Obama, but it is another form of expression Elu Keren Banget You’re so cool In the pages of the daily The Washington Post revealed that Obama has now become one of the new vocabularies that became 2 Peter Newmark, A Text Book of Translation, New York: Prentice Hall International, 1988, p.5. popular among young people on campus. No wonder the word was included in the slang dictionary published by the British-American University of California UCLA in Los Angeles. ” 3 To find out how important the understanding of these slangs to avoid misunderstanding in translation in Indonesian language and to be more familiar with the expression, the writer uses the concept of equivalence to analyze the slang meaning contained in a movie script titled Wild Child. The Wild Child movie was produced at Universal Pictures and directed by Nick Moore. In this movie, the slang language which is used by entire player is American and British slang language. In this movie, there are some examples of English slang language that is used in Wild Child movie, some of them are:  Dude: Teman Dude, Who loves ya?  Loser: Pecundang These girls are all ugly losers  Arsehole: Bajingan Brengsek So, if you behave like an arsehole  SULA Sweaty Upper Lip Alert 4 : Waspadai Hasrat Ciuman Bibir. From the examples above, we can see that slang languages in that movie some could be understood directly without opening a dictionary, but some slang languages cannot be understood directly; we must see in a dictionary and find the real meaning of the slang language. 3 http:www.lintasberita.comgo720926. Accessed on August 12, 2010. 4 http:www.veryabc.cnmovieuploadsscriptWildChild.txt. Accessed on August 10, 2010. In the first example, the writer used the word Dude, in dictionary it means “pesolek”, it is far from the real meaning in Wild Child movie, because if we make a deep analysis by seeing a slang dictionary, it means “teman” and it explained that the word comes from American slang today. Then in the second example, the writer put the word “loser”, it means, “pecundang”. It is clear that this word can be understood directly, without opening a dictionary because this word is widely used in various movie and everyday conversation. In the third example, the writer put the word “arsehole”, it means, “bajinganbrengsek intended to a man. It is clear that this word cannot be understood directly; but it must be seen in slang dictionary to know the real meaning. The next word the writer put is SULA Sweaty Upper Lip Alert, in Wild Child movie, it means, “Waspadai Hasrat Ciuman Bibir” and it explained that the word includes slang because long words that are shortened and a new acronyms used by teenagers which they play with by creating many new word and expressions in the movie can be called slang language. From the description of the slang language, then the writer wants to discuss “An Analysis of Meaning Equivalence of English Slang Language Translation in Wild Child Movie Text. ” B. Focus of the Study In this research, the writer limits the scope of the study by focusing on “Slang” language that is used in Wild Child movie which was published on 14 August 2008 Netherlands, produced by Nick Moore, played by Emma Robert and the others actresses and actor.

C. Research Questions