SULA Sweaty Upper Lip Alert Screw Snog

dynamic equivalence to make the most natural translation. It includes argot and British slang language.

11. SULA Sweaty Upper Lip Alert

Source Text Target Language Dont try and hide it, honey. Weve got ourselves a SULA Jangan pernah mencoba dan menyembunyikannya, sayang. Kami menamakan diri kami SULA. The acronym SULA is Sweaty Upper Lip Alert, it explained that the word is long words that are shortened and a new acronym which they play with by creating many new word and expressions in the Wild Child movie, it called argot members of these groups have their own argot as one of self-identity that sets it apart from other groups. Based on slang dictionary “SULA”, it means “Waspadai Hasrat Ciuman Bibir”. In dictionary cannot find the real meaning. So, the translator focused on the source text message and context which acronym still kept translated in target language. It called formal equivalence.

12. Screw

Source Text Target Text Screw them. Persetan dengan mereka. T he word “screw” was translated “Persetan or masa bodoh”. Literally, based on the dictionary the meaning of “screw” is “sharp-pointed metal pin with a raised helical thread running around it and a slotted head ” 29 , in Indonesian it means the nouns “sekrup”. It is far from the real meaning or it is not equal in 29 Accessed on February 28, 2011. Wild Child movie, because after seeing a slang dictionary and watch the movie, it means “sexual intercourse”, in Indonesian it means the particle “persetan or masa bodoh ” which explained in this movie that Poppy does not care about the rule in her school. The translator prefers to use dynamic equivalence to more natural translation. It includes vulgar slang and argot.

13. Snog

Source Text Target Language Oh, my God. You have to snog Freddie Oh, Tuhanku. Kau harus berciuman dengan Freddie. The word “snog” was translated to “berciuman”. Literally, in dictionary the word “snog” cannot find the real meaning. In Wild Child movie it means that Poppy must to kiss lustily or a really wet kiss with Freedy. So, the translator rather used culture equivalence to translate the slang language because from England, it is called the British slang while in French it called French kiss. It includes vulgar slang and argot.

C. Colloquial