Suck Dude Shit Jargon

19. Gosh

None God and used to express surprise or give emphasis Tuhan Colloq uial

20. Hot

having a high degree of heat or a high temperature Sexy Extremely attractive or beautiful; more than cute 27 Seksi Colloq uial

21. Naughty

especially of a child badly behaved; disobedient rude or indecent, typically because related to sex 28 Nakal Colloq uial

B. Data Analysis

From the tabulated data above, then the writer tries to analyze the selected slang words by categorizing them into the types of slang and knowing the meaning equivalence between translated text and the original text. To get further description of analysis, the writer tries to illustrate as follows:

A. Jargon

1. Suck

Source Text Target Text Everythings going to suck without you Semuanya akan kacau tanpamu? The word “suck” was translated to “kacau”. Literally, “suck” means “to draw into the mouth by contracting the muscles of the lips and mouth to make a partial vacuum ”, translated to “isap”verb. Actually, according this movie poppy’s friend doesn’t want poppy go to school and stay in another country. Therefore, based on slang dictionary, the translator used the term “suck” is “to 27 http:www.slangsite.comslangH.html. Accessed on February 15, 2011. 28 http:oxforddictionaries.comdefinitionnaughty. Accessed on February 18, 2011. be bad and unacceptable ”, in Indonesian it means “kacau”adjective. The translator prefers to use dynamic equivalence to make the most natural translation. And the word “suck” includes jargon.

2. Dude

Source Text Target Text Dude , who loves ya? Teman , siapa yang menyayangimu? As written above, “Dude” was translated to “Teman”noun. Literally, “dude” will be translated to “pesolek” noun. This translation will be ineffectively used and may confuse the reader. So the translator used “teman’’ This is can be used to refer to any person whether they are known by the speaker or not after seeing slang dictionary. The translator rather used Cultural equivalence because cultural phrases which derive their meaning from a cultural reference with which the speaker and listener must both be familiar in America. It explained that he word comes from American slang today and it includes jargon.

3. Shit

Source Text Target Language She means no home clothes for a week like I give a shit Maksudnya tidak boleh memakai pakaian biasa selama seminggu, Sial. As written a bove, “like I give a shit” was translated “sial”. The literal meaning of “like I give a shit” in Indonesia is “seperti aku memberi kotoran”. It is far from the real meaning in Wild Child movie, because if it was translated in that way it would not make a s ense. So it was translated “sial” to make a sound more natural. It includes dynamic equivalence and jargon.

4. Buddy