The Method of Research Technique of Data Analysis Research Instrument Unit of Analysis Procedure of the research

gives contribution to the readers about the meanings of those slang words and phrases so they know not Indonesia slang only, but also American and British slang. Third, this research can be used as an additional reference for other students who are interested in studying further about the writer’s related topic, especially for the students of English Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University, Jakarta.

F. Research Methodology

1. The Method of Research

The writer uses the descriptive qualitative as a method of the research. Thus, the descriptive method is the way to describe and explain something as what it is. By using this method the writer tries to explain about slang language used in Wild Child movie.

2. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique of data analysis is to find out some evidences related to slang language in Wild child movie. The first step, the writer watches the movie and reads the script. The second step, the writer gives a sign of slang words or phrases in the text of this film. Then look for the equivalence of slang terms used in the film. The next step, the writer identifies the meaning of slang language found in the movie. And then the writer compares between English slang language and the Indonesian translation. The last step, the writer analyzes the meaning equivalence between slang language and the translation in Indonesian. Therefore, the writer uses describe qualitative analysis techniques.

3. Research Instrument

The Instrument in this research is the writer herself as a subject that is by watching movies, recording data obtained marks as well as slang and classifying the words contained in the script to discover the meaning of slang and equivalence that existed in the film Wild Child. Then, other data obtained from the writer of books, articles, internet, and so on.

4. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this study is the movie English slang language text on Wild Child movie directed by: Nick Moore Release Date: 14 August 2008 Netherlands.

5. Procedure of the research

In writing in this research, the writer does the following steps: a. Watching wild child movie and then observe the slang words or phrases in the text of this film. b. Analyze the translation of English Slang language into Indonesian language. c. Analyze the meaning equivalence of the translation especially slang language. d. Making conclusion.

G. Place and Time of the Research