Learning Objectives The Steps in Designing the Materials


5. TeachingLearning Activities

After knowing the students’ need for listening activities, the writer came up with the teachinglearning activities which were based on the task-based language teaching framework. The teachinglearning activities for each topic can be varied. However, there were three tasks in each unit namely pre-task, main- task, and post-task. Pre-task facilitated the teachers to introduce the topic to be discussed. It dealt with gaining the students knowledge on the topic discussed. There were two sections in the pre-task. Both sections recalled the students’ prior knowledge related to the topic. There would be some pictures followed by some questions to be discussed, predicting task, and matching task. Besides, the students were provided by some vocabulary related to the words which would be occurred in the recording. The main-task led the students to enter the listening section. While listening to the recording, the students were given some tasks. There would be listing task, predicting task, arranging the jumbled pictures, sentences, and paragraph, followed by pairs and groups discussion. The students also had chances to be more communicative in sharing their ideas on every answer of task they had done. Meanwhile, the post-task led the students to show their understanding on each topic they had discussed. This part provided the students chances to reflect and implement what they had learned through the topic discussed. The task was mainly related to the language focus of the topic discussed and the content of the 57 recording. There would be questioning and answering section as well as reviewing the topic materials section.

6. Evaluation a. Description of the Evaluators

The writer conducted the evaluation of the designed materials. The evaluators were two eighth grade English teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Yogyakarta and two ELESP lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. The evaluators were all female. Thus, there were four evaluators participated in the evaluation on the designed materials. Two of them had been teaching for 6-10 years. One of them had been teaching for 1-5 years while the other one had been teaching for more than 15 years. Furthermore, the two of the evaluators graduated from their undergraduate study while the other two evaluators graduated from their postgraduate study..

b. Data Analysis

Based on the evaluation results on the designed materials, the materials were already well developed, suitable for the eighth graders, varied, relevant to daily life, able to improve the students’ English listening skill, well elaborated, and had interesting pictures and layouts. It showed that the designed materials were acceptable for the students and teachers. The writer, however, still aimed to revise and improve the designed materials based on the free feedback obtained from the evaluators. The feedback consisted of comments and suggestions to