Showing High Expectation Lecturers’ Role in Implementing Positive Self-fulfilling Prophecy

56 have good experiences in learning. Thus, they will be motivated to always be on track in order to obtain the goal of the class. “One thing that I keep doing since my first time teaching here is that I put myself not as a teacher who they have to respect very much but more as a friend and a facilitator.” – Ms. Richa, 11032015 “I put myself not as a lecturer but more as a friend. Therefore, I think that if the students learn with friends, it would be more comfortable in everything. The discussion would be good, and the lesson would be well achieved. In my opinion, if I put myself as a lecturer who has a higher level than the students have low level, it would happen inequality. The learning process would not as comfortable as if parallel” – Mr. Daniel, 13032015, my translation Being a friend for their students was one of the ways that Mr. Daniel and Ms. Richa use d to gain students’ attention. One of the goals of implementing self- fulfilling prophecy is when lecturers reach students’ attention from personal approach. Mr. Jono claimed that it is important for lecturers to have a personal approach to their students in order to develop self-fulfilling prophecy to their students. In this research, the researcher chose participants from different periods of teaching experience. One of the participants has been teaching at English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University for more than ten years. The other participants have been teaching at English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University for more than 15 years or less than 5 years. However, the periods of the teaching experience in the English Language Education Study Program students at Sanata Dharma University do not bring any difference for lecturers in implementing self-fulfilling prophecy. 57

4. Lecturer’s Beliefs

Before starting the class, all of the lecturers have already set their standard to be achieved by every student in the class. The goals of teaching or the standards are stated in the syllabus given to every student in the first meeting of the class. Then, the self-fulfilling prophecy is started from there. All of the participants said that they implement self-fulfilling prophecy from the first time they meet their students. It happened when the lecturers believed that all of their students are good and the lesson will be well achieved. As Peterson 1992 states, trust or belief is a part of self-fulfilling prophecy. Hence, the way lecturers believed on their s tudents’ achievement can be defined as self-fulfilling prophecy. “At first, all of you deserve to get an A. At the end, all of you also deserve to get an A but it depends on the tests ” – Mr. Daniel, 13032015 The way Mr. Daniel implemented self-fulfilling prophecy is to make equality to his students. At first, he gave an A for all of his students. Then, in the end of the class, the result is, of course, based on the test. At least, he tried to set his expectations to their students at the same stage at the beginning. Each lecturer has their own way to believe in their students. They put their trust to the students to make the students either engaged to the lecturers or the teaching-learning process. Every trust that they put on their students is based on their goal that they set from the beginning of the class. Ms. Martha shared how she built the trust between her and her students, “So, I see that we must to listen to our students first. We have to make them believe in us first, and then they will believe everything we talked