Shaun is directing the movie. Besides, he is playing the lead role in it.

M odul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional J 83 side answers, press Button A. Do not press Button A until you are sure that your call has got through. Do not misuse public telephones. If you damage a public telephone you may regret it later when you need to make an urgent call. For example, last Wednesday, Raja was very happy when he managed to get a free telephone call. Later his mother was ill and he could not phone for an ambulance because he had damaged the telephone. Text B There are may reasons why girls should be sent to school. Firstly, a girls intelligence is not lower than that of a boys. A girl has as much chance of doing well in schoolwork as a boy does. Secondly, not all girls want to stay at home and become housewives and mothers. Some girls do not like housework. Some girls will not be happy staying at home all the time. Thirdly, even though a girl might want nothing more than to be a wife and mother, she may not find anyone she would like to marry. Finally, it must be stressed that girls are people with feelings too and should be given a choice to decide on their own future. Practice 4 Fill in the blank with couldn’t or might not 1. Unfortunately, James and Michelle had already made plans, so they couldn’tcome with us to the exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art. 2. They have had several major snow storms in the mountains during the last month. We had better call the highway patrol to check road conditions. The road to Smithsville might not be passable. 3. We should call Tim before we go over to his house; he might not be there. I dont want to drive all the way there for nothing. 4. In order to win the pie eating contest, Norman would have to eat sixteen pies in ten minutes. He might not possibly eat that many pies - he would explode 5. I know Eve wants to go to the ballet with us, but wed better call her before we get her ticket. She works Wednesday nights, and she couldn’t be able to get time off that evening.

6. Susan couldn’t hear the speaker because the crowd was cheering so

loudly. 84 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional J 7. It might not be a bad idea to take some snacks along while were hiking. Last time, we got so hungry we had to come back early without finishing the hike.

8. Jerry might be angry, or he might not. You never really know with him

because hes so temperamental. 9. Jerry might not be angry at me. Ive never done anything to upset him. 10. The lamp might not be broken. Maybe the light bulb just burned out. 11. When you were a child, you could swim from here to the little island in the middle of the river, couldn’tyou? At least, thats what your father told me. 12. She might not possibly be the winner of the talent show The other acts were much better than hers.

13. Frank and Sarah couldn’t get tickets to the concert. The concert was sold

out a little over an hour after tickets went on sale. 14. I heard that band is really popular, and tickets sell out quickly. You couldn’tget tickets if you waited too long. 15. That concert has been sold out for weeks. You couldn’t get tickets even if you knew the band personally. Its impossible

16. It might not be a bad idea to get a car alarm for your new sports car. New

cars tend to attract thieves.

17. That might not possibly be Mr. Jones. Hes lost so much weight that he

looks like a completely different person. 18. You couldn’t do the job if you didnt speak Arabic fluently. 19. Jane and Bill might not have gotten the invitation to the party. Perhaps, thats why they didnt show up. I doubt they would actually skip your birthday party - theyre your best friends.

20. I might not have left my keys at Simons house. I wouldnt have been able

to drive home if I had done that. They must be somewhere here in the apartment. Lets keep looking. Practice 5 Complete the following dialogue with the correct modal verbs: could, might, should or would Dialogue 1 Donna: If I won the ten million dollar lottery jackpot, I 1 could afford to quit