Which of these responses express partial agreement? there is more than one answer correct Which of these responses gives an impression of politeness?

M odul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional J 41 6. Which of these responsesexpresses disagreement most strongly? What use is history? Do you remember our history lessons at school? Most of what they taught was completely useless, wasn’t it? a. I don’t know. I don’t think it’s fair to say that actually. b. I take your point, but that was probably because of the way it was taught. c. You’ve got a point there, but the problem was that the teacher didn’t really show how it was relevant to us d. That’s true, but I think it’s taught a bit differently nowadays. 7. Which of these responses is the most polite? I think we all agree that the writing was the hardest part of the test. a. Speak for yourself b. Excuse me but I’m not sure whether anyone thought so c. We all agree? You must be joking d. Nonsense The listening was far worse 8. Which of these responses is the most polite? All public transports in the city should be free a. Don’t make me laugh, how on earth would it be financed? b. Nothing of the kind How on earth would it be financed? c. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. how on earth would it be financed? d. Of course not. How on earth would it be financed


• Logical Conjuctions terdiri atas 5 kelompok yaitu: 1. Addition dan Replacement 2. Comparison dan Contrast 3. Exemplification dan Restatement 4. Cause dan Condition 5. Time dan Place • Modal verbs Often the same modal verb is used to express different meanings . 42 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional J meaning which verb? example really certain will My birthday will be on a Monday this year. won’t I won’t have a party. shall I shall have plenty to tell you when I see you. shan’t I shan’t ask you to come again. must The cakes must be ready soon. They’ve been in the oven for an hour. can’t You can’t be hungry. You had a huge lunch. very likely should The traffic isn’t heavy. We should be there in an hour. ought to The traffic isn’t heavy. We ought to be there in an hour. possible may She may be a friend of Richard’s. might She might be a friend of Richard’s. could She could be a friend of Richard’s. strong obligation must You must arrive at 6 to pick up the tickets. have to I have to go up to the hospital twice a week. need to We need to win this game to get into the final. weak obligation should Children should look after their parents in old age. ought to Children ought to look after their parents in old age. no obligation needn’t I needn’t do it now. I’ll do it later. don’t need to I don’t need to do it now. I’ll do it later. don’t have to I don’t have to do it now. I’ll do it later. permission can Can we go out now? You can go now if you’ve finished. may You may go now if you’ve finished. May I borrow a chair? could Could we borrow the car? might Might we have a little more time to finish the exam? very formal