Passive Participation Interviews Data Collection

125 However, the facts in the field turned otherwise. The stages of Pranatacara genre were different from those stated above because the wedding reception was Tumplak Punjen, namely to mark the marriage of the youngest daughter of Mrs. Veronika Sukerman. The reception of Tumplak Punjen eliminated some stages, namely Panggih, Kacar-kucur, Dulangan, Timbangan and Sungkeman. The last mentioned stage Sungkeman is actually similar to the ritual of Tumplak Punjen. The only difference is that in Tumplak Punjen several married couples perform ‘respects’ to their parents one after another, ending in the newly wedded couple; while Sungkeman is normally performed by the newly married couple.

3.6.2 Passive Participation

A technique of passive participation was employed for the study in order for me, the researcher, to write out field notes consisting of objective and reflective descriptions. The objective descriptions include what was seen, heard, and experienced during the wedding reception. Meanwhile, the reflective descriptions deal with my ideas, impressions, feelings, hunches, comments, etc. which emerged while the activities being observed were on going. For the purpose of data collection, I was present in the wedding reception but of course did not involve in the activities. A video-tape and cassette recorder operator was employed to record the audiovisual activities in the wedding reception. I was particularly involved in field note taking. While the passive participation was conducted, field notes were developed. In accordance with the suggestions by Bogdan and Biklen 1982:85-6, the field notes for 126 this study include 1 portraits of the subject, 2 description of physical setting, 3 accounts of particular behaviours, 4 depiction of activities, and 5 my reflection. The portraits of the subject include the description of the subject in terms of his expertise in Pranatacara genre, oral performance and physical attributes. The physical setting description shows the physical condition of the place where the wedding reception was held, including the arrangement of furniture, and the positions of the people involved during the process of each stage of Pranatacara genre. Accounts of particular behaviours include the behaviours of those who were involved in each stage of Pranatacara genre. The depiction of the activities include the detail of the proceeding, any action done by those involved in the wedding reception. While my reflection focuses on what I saw, heard, felt and experienced during my passive participation. The data in the form of fieldnotes were coded as FN.

3.6.3 Interviews

It is argued that interviews may be employed in conjunction with participant observation, document analysis, or other techniques of data collection Bogdan and Biklen 1983:135. In this study, a preliminary interview with the subject, Mr. sudiyono was done at 05.30- 06.30 p.m., on Tuesday, March 27 2007 in the house of Mr. Sudiyono, at Dadimulyo RT. 03RW 05 Gergunung, Klaten Utara. The interview dealt with the detail of the subject’s personal and professional background, the philosophy of Javanese wedding reception and the minimal requirements for a good Pranatacara. 127 Other interviews with experts of the subject matters were conducted to cross- check the data validation and to get other possible supplementary data in terms of different pragmatic paradigms.

3.7 Procedures for Data Collection