Current Demands for Pranatacara Preserving Pranatacara’s Linguistic Features Preserving Pranatacara’s non-linguistic features


4.8.1 Current Demands for Pranatacara

Despite the fact that many Javanese people, especially the young generation, may find it difficult to understand the Javanese language used in formal settings such as in a wedding reception, it does not necessarily imply that a Pranatacara like Mr. Sudiono will lose his job. On the contrary, the business of Pranatacara and Pamedar sabda is still in a secured existence. Many Javanese parents, albeit living in a non Javanese area, would rather give a wedding reception for their beloved children in Javanese contexts of situation and culture. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve the cultural heritage.

4.8.2 Preserving Pranatacara’s Linguistic Features

In line with 4.8.1 above, one thing to keep in mind is that attempts shall be made to preserve the Pranatacara’s linguistic features at all levels phonology, morphology and syntax. This becomes the responsibility of each Pranatacara to maintain using the specialized linguistic features no matter how archaic they are—as people may have thought. Variations are still possible but not beyond tradition. If an attempt to alter such features by irresponsible individuals due to the excessive influence of the modern world were made, this typical form of the Javanese language would lose its cultural significance and become a history. A clear example in this case is the omission of some non-obligatory stages of the generic structure of Pranatacara discourse. Furthermore, preserving the cultural heritage of the Javanese language will help preserving the Javanese identity which, in turn, promote the unity in diversity as the philosophical thought of the Republic of Indonesia. 214

4.8.3 Preserving Pranatacara’s non-linguistic features

Equally important is the preservation of the non linguistic features. These include things, such as setting, costumes, and Javanese orchestra gamelan or gendhing. Without preserving these non-linguistic features, I am of the opinion that the Pranatacara will not be able to perform his job well. It is hard to imagine how difficult it is for the pranatacara to carry out his task if no specially designed Javanese orchestra is present, especially with respect to the tempo of speech and intonation.

4.8.4 The Javanese Language as the World’s Cultural Heritage