The Understanding of Story Mapping

Solution b. Graphic Story Map

4. The Advantag

Here are several technique in teachin advantages of story m 1. Students can use introduce a book students can make 2. Students can use t 3. Students can use st 4. Students can use stories. 5. Teachers can also students revise the 23 Zygouris, Coe Reading Strategy of the M TITLE Setting Characters Problem Solution Map Figure 2.2 Graphic Story Map ntages and Disadvantages of Story Mapp ral advantages and disadvantages of using stor hing narrative text. Zygouris and Glass m mapping in their article: 23 use a story mapping as a pre-reading strategy. book through a complete story map. By deleting ake predictions about what they think will happe n use their story mapping as notes for oral book repor se story mapping in preparing media presentations. use story mapping as a prewriting tool in devel lso use story mapping in writing conferences a their story writing. oe V and Glass, C, Story Mapping, Florida Departme Month Journal, vol. 2, 2004, p. 2. Characters apping story mapping as a mentioned some y. The teacher can ting some events, ppen in the story. book reports. ations. veloping their own s as a way to help rtment of Education: In addition, Kurniawan also mentions some advantages of story map strategy as follow: 24 1. The story mapping is a highly effective, practical way to help students organize story content into a coherent whole. 2. It is an effective strategy for exceptional and low achieving students it improves comprehension of materials that are above their instructional levels. 3. Teachers become more involved in thinking about the structure of the story they are to teach and how each part of the story relates to the others. 4. These concrete representations aid students in visualizing the story. 5. Students can more easily see how the story pieces mesh, knowledge they continually apply when they predict what might happens next in one story after another. 6. It enables students to store information in their personal schema more efficiently and facilitates the recall of story elements more completely and accurately. On the other hand, story mapping also has some disadvantages. First, it cannot be applied in other types of text such as descriptive, news item, report because story mapping only requires elements of story. This map will appropriate to be applied in teaching writing narrative and recount text. Next, if students only focus on the drawing of their story mapping, they can waste their time to write because they spend much time in making their story mapping.

C. Teaching Narrative Text Using Story Mapping

In this research, the writer attempts to use story mapping technique in teaching writing of narrative text and find out the effectiveness of the technique. Firstly, the students were given the instruction about what they were going to do and why they should use story mapping in writing of narrative text. The instruction might encourage the students to be more enthusiastic about what they 24 Ashadi Kurniawan, Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text Through Story Mapping, Journal of English Language Teaching, vol.3, 2010, p. 182.

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