Description of the Data

Students’ Number Post-test Student 28 60 Student 29 81 Student 30 85 Student 31 75 Student 32 73 Student 33 76 Student 34 70 Student 35 73 Student 36 63 Student 37 65 Student 38 70 Student 39 70 Student 40 73 Total 2942 Average ∑ 73.55 The writer compared the data in both pre-test and post-test score. The highest score in pre-test was 72 and the highest score in the post-test was 85. Meanwhile, the smallest score in pretest was 40 and the smallest score in post-test was 60. In addition, the tables indicate that the mean of pre-test score was 62.27 and the mean of post-test score was 73.55. It means that the mean of post-test is higher than the mean of pre-test, so the writer concludes that there was an improvement in students’ score in writing narrative text after they were taught by using story mapping technique.

2. Analysis of Data

From the data above, the writer analyzed the data using t-test in both manual calculation and using SPSS 20. This analysis was done to examine the difference of score between pretest and posttest. First, the writer manually analyzed the score from pre-test and post-test by calculating the result score into the formula as follows: 1. Seek D Diference between score of variable I X and score of variable II Y and then D = X-Y 2. Add D then getting ∑ D Table 4.4 The Comparison Score of X The Students’ Pre-test Score to Y The Students’ Post-test Score Students N Pre-test Post-test Gain Score D D 2 X Y X-Y 1 58 70 -12 144 2 60 76 -16 256 3 72 85 -13 169 4 43 65 -22 484 5 65 80 -15 225 6 65 75 -10 100 7 68 70 -2 4 8 40 68 -28 784 9 64 80 -16 256 10 68 75 -7 49 11 72 82 -10 100 12 57 70 -13 169 13 62 70 -8 64 14 60 76 -16 256 15 63 77 -14 196 16 60 80 -20 400 17 68 75 -7 49 18 65 67 -2 4 19 68 70 -2 4 20 60 78 -18 324 21 50 72 -22 484 22 71 70 1 1 23 61 83 -22 484 24 70 72 2 4 25 60 78 -18 324 26 68 74 -6 36 27 58 70 -12 144 Students N Pre-test Post-test Gain Score D D 2 X Y X-Y 28 68 60 8 64 29 69 81 -12 144 30 72 85 -13 169 31 68 75 -7 49 32 66 73 -7 49 33 58 76 -18 324 34 55 70 -15 225 35 50 73 -23 529 36 68 63 5 25 37 69 65 4 16 38 50 70 -20 400 39 67 70 -3 9 40 55 73 -18 324 Total 2491 2942 451 7841 Average∑

62.27 73.55

11.275 196.025 Based on the data above, the result of calculation showed that ∑ D = 451 and ∑ D 2 = 7841. 3. Seek Mean from Difference by using formula: M D = D N = 40 = 11.275 4. Seek the standard of Deviation from Difference SD D by using formula: SD D = D N 2 D N 2 = 7 841 40 451 40 2 = 196.025 11.275 = 196.025 127.238 = 68.789 = 8.29 5. Seek the standard error from Mean of Difference by using formula: SE MD = SD D N 1 = . 40 1 = . 39 = . 6 .24 = 1.33 6. Seek t by using formula: t = M D SE MD = 11.275 1 .33 = 8.48 The t-score is 8.48 which indicates that there is a difference of degree between variable X dan Y. Next, after the result of manual calculation was gotten, it rechecked the result using SPSS – IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20. Paired Samples Test is used to calculate the difference between the pretest and posttest. This analysis can help the writer to examine the improvement of students’ ability in writing of narrative text. Here are the results:

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