= 196.025 11.275 = 196.025 127.238 = 68.789 = 8.29 5. Seek the standard error from Mean of Difference by using formula: SE MD = SD D N 1 = . 40 1 = . 39 = . 6 .24 = 1.33 6. Seek t by using formula: t = M D SE MD = 11.275 1 .33 = 8.48 The t-score is 8.48 which indicates that there is a difference of degree between variable X dan Y. Next, after the result of manual calculation was gotten, it rechecked the result using SPSS – IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20. Paired Samples Test is used to calculate the difference between the pretest and posttest. This analysis can help the writer to examine the improvement of students’ ability in writing of narrative text. Here are the results: Table 4.5 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences t df Sig. 2- tailed Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 99 Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Pair 1 Pre test– Post test -11.275 8.406 1.329 -14.874 -7.676 -8.483 39 .000 From Table 4.5, it is known that the mean of the gain score is 11.275. Meanwhile, the standard error means is 1.33. Then, the t observation t o is -8.48. The result -8.48indicates that there is a difference of degree as much as 8.48 between variable X pre-test dan Y post-test. Then, in order to complete the result of this research, the writer tried to find out the degree of freedom df with the formula: df = N-1 = 40-1 = 39 Based on the table, df =39 at significance level of 5 is 2.02 and at significant level of 1 is 2.70. The comparison is 2.02 8.48 2.70. It means that t t-observation is higher than t t t-table. Thus, there is a significant difference between the score of pre-test and post-test. Table 4.4 and 4.5 indicate the calculation result using manual statistical calculation and SPSS – IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20 is same. The t-observation is 8.48, which suggests that there is a significant difference between the pre-test score and the post-test score. This result is significantly different at the significance level of 0.000, which means that the accuracy is almost 100.

B. Hypothesis Testing

The statistical hypothesis of this research could be seen as follow: H : there was no significant difference between students’ achievement in writing narrative text using story mapping and without using story mapping technique. It means that story mapping technique is effective to be used in teaching narrative text. H a : there was a significant difference between students’ achievement in writing narrative text using story mapping and without using story mapping technique. It means that story mapping is not effective to be used in teaching writing narrative text. The assumption of this hypothesis as follow: • If t ≥ t table , the null hypothesis H is rejected, it means that there is a significant difference between students’ achievement in writing narrative text using story mapping and without using story mapping technique. • If t ≤ t table , the null hypothesis H is accepted, it means that there is no significant difference between students’ achievement in writing narrative text using story mapping and without using story mapping technique. Based on the description of the calculation above, it can be inferred that: 1 The value of t table in the significance level of 5, df = 0.975, 39 is 2.02 and in the significant level of 1, df = 0.995, 39 is 2.70. 2 The value of t o 8.48 Thus, it can be summarized that t o ≥ t t 2.02 8.48 2.70it means that the null hypothesis H is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Thus, the study finds an empirical evident that story mapping is effective to be used as a teaching technique of writing narrative text because there is a significant difference students’ writing score after implementing story mapping.

C. Interpretation of Data

This part covers of discussion of teaching writing by using story mapping and then interprets the result of data. The discussion is based on the research question, which was to know the empirical evidence about the effectiveness of using story mapping as an attempt to improve teaching technique in learning writing of narrative text. That is way the data which have been already collected were analyzed in order to help answering the research question which stated that whether or not story mapping is an effective technique to teach students’ writing narrative text. Based on the analysis of the results in the Table 4.5, it can be observed that using story mapping technique is an effective way in teaching writing narrative text. It is proven that the post-test score is higher than pretest score. It means that teaching writing by applying story mapping technique is better than teaching without applying story mapping technique. By using story mapping technique the students are more interested and motivated in writing. Thus, it can be concluded that story mapping technique is an attractive way to motivate students’ in writing of narrative text for the second year students of SMA Negeri 90 Jakarta. 43


A. Conclusion

Based on the results and the interpretation of the data, it could be concluded that the result of T-test formula to test the hypothesis of the research supported the effectiveness of using story mapping to teach students’ writing ability of narrative text. The result showed that in significance degree of 5 and 1, the value of t-test t o t-table t t 2.02 8.48 2.70. It could be said that t-test was higher in the than t-table. So, the null hypothesis Ho was rejected. It means that the answer of research problem was proven that there was a significant difference between students’ achievement in writing narrative text which was taught using story mapping and without using story mapping. From the previous description, the answer of research problem was proven that there is a significant difference between students’ achievement in writing narrative text by using story mapping. Story mapping technique also could overcome students’ difficulties in writing narrative text. To sum up, story mapping is generally effective and applicable to teach students’ writing ability of narrative text at the eleventh grade of SMAN 90 Jakarta.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, this study wants to propose some suggestion that might be useful: 1. For the teachers, they should be creative in drawing a story mapping. It is better if the teacher uses LCD projector to create a colorful mapping because students can be more interested in participating in this activity. Moreover, the teacher should be well prepared in using story mapping technique because teacher’s preparation really influences the successful of teaching and learning process. 2. For the students, it is recommended to use this technique as one of their learning strategies to practice and improve their writing ability of narrative text which can be done in out of class as in their extracurricular activities. 3. For the further researchers, particularly those who interested to conduct same research and have same problem, it is suggested to apply story mapping in the same field in their research or apply story mapping to teach other English language skills, for instance reading. In reading, students can comprehend the narrative text clearly using story mapping because it can help them to relate those elements of the story.

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