Rubric of Scoring Writing

Scoring Element Scale Quality Description 2 Very Poor No mastery of conventions – dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization – handwriting illegible – OR not enough to evaluate.

I. Statistical Hipothesis

The statistical hypothesis of this research was as follow: H o : µ 1 = µ 2 H a : µ 1 ≠ µ 2 H o : There was no significant difference between students’ achievement in writing narrative text using story mapping and without using story mapping technique. H a : There was a significant difference between students’achievement in writing narrative text by using story mapping strategy and without using story mapping technique. And then, the criteria used as follows: 1. If t-test t o t-table t t in significant degree of 0.05, H o null hypothesis is rejected. It means that the rates of mean score of the post-test are higher than the pre-test.The using of story mapping is effective to teach students’ writing ability of narrative text. 2. If t-test t o t-table t t in significant degree of 0.05, H o the null hypothesis is accepted. It means that the rates of the means score of the post-test are same as or lower than the pre-test. The using of story mapping is not effective to teach students’ writing ability of narrative text. 33



1. Description of the Data

The research was done at the second grade of SMAN 90 Jakarta. Because the research was a pre-experimental research, there was only one class in the research. There were six meetings and all the students followed the teaching learning process from the first meeting until the last meeting. The material which was taught in this research was narrative text. The researcher gave pre-test to the students to know the initial students’ competence in writing narrative text.After that, the researcher gave post-test in the last meeting to know the improvementof students’ understanding of narrative text after implementing story mapping technique. The test was in the form of essay and the researcher only provided a theme to the students. Then, in scoring students’ writing, the writer used rubric of writing scoring that belongs to Jacob et al. Here, describe briefly how is scoring. After the writer analyzed students’ work, she calculated pre-test and post-test score. The following table is descriptive statistics of pre-test and post-test that is calculated by using SPSS 20: Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics N Range Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Std. Deviation Variance Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic Statistic Pre-test X 40 32 40 72 2491 62.27 1.233 7.795 60.769 Post-test Y 40 25 60 85 2942 73.55 .923 5.835 34.049 Valid N 40 From the descriptive analysis above, it can be seen that the minimum score in pre-test X is 40 and the minimum score in post-test was 60. The maximum score in pre-test was 72 and the maximum score in post-test was 85. Then, the mean of pre-test was 62.27 and the mean of post-test was 73.55. It means that there is an improvement in students’ writing achievement because the mean of post-test score is higher than the mean of pre-test score. Here are the complete lists of pre-test and post-test score: a. Pre-test score Pre-test was conducted before the implementation of story mapping in order to know students’ writing ability of narrative text before the experiment. From the table below, it can be seen that the highest score in pre-test was 72 and the lowest score was 40. And the average of the pre-test score was 62.27. Table 4.2 The Result of Pre-test Score before Implementing Story Mapping Students’ Number Pre-test Student 1 58 Student 2 60 Student 3 72 Student 4 43 Student 5 65 Student 6 65 Student 7 68 Student 8 40 Student 9 64 Student 10 68 Student 11 72 Student 12 57 Student 13 62 Student 14 60 Student 15 63 Student 16 60 Student 17 68 Student 18 65 Student 19 68 Student 20 60 Student 21 50 Student 22 71 Student 23 61 Student 24 70 Student 25 60 Student 26 68 Student 27 58 Student 28 68 Student 29 69 Student 30 72 Student 31 68 Students’ Number Pre-test Student 32 66 Student 33 58 Student 34 55 Student 35 50 Student 36 68 Student 37 69 Student 38 50 Student 39 67 Student 40 55 Total 2491 Average ∑ 62.27 b. Post-test score Post-test was conducted after the implementation of story mapping in order to see the improvement that made by students in writing narrative text. The following table is the result of post-test score after implementing story mapping technique in teaching variable Y post-test. The table shows that the highest score in post-test was 85 and the lowest score was 60. And the mean of the pre-test score was 73.55. Table 4.3 The Result of Post-test Score after Implementing Story Mapping Students’ Number Post-test Student 1 70 Student 2 76 Student 3 85 Student 4 65 Student 5 80 Student 6 75 Student 7 70 Student 8 68 Student 9 80 Student 10 75 Student 11 82 Student 12 70 Student 13 70 Student 14 76 Student 15 77 Student 16 80 Student 17 75 Student 18 67 Student 19 70 Student 20 78 Student 21 72 Student 22 70 Student 23 83 Student 24 72 Student 25 78 Student 26 74 Student 27 70 Students’ Number Post-test Student 28 60 Student 29 81 Student 30 85 Student 31 75 Student 32 73 Student 33 76 Student 34 70 Student 35 73 Student 36 63 Student 37 65 Student 38 70 Student 39 70 Student 40 73 Total 2942 Average ∑ 73.55 The writer compared the data in both pre-test and post-test score. The highest score in pre-test was 72 and the highest score in the post-test was 85. Meanwhile, the smallest score in pretest was 40 and the smallest score in post-test was 60. In addition, the tables indicate that the mean of pre-test score was 62.27 and the mean of post-test score was 73.55. It means that the mean of post-test is higher than the mean of pre-test, so the writer concludes that there was an improvement in students’ score in writing narrative text after they were taught by using story mapping technique.

2. Analysis of Data

From the data above, the writer analyzed the data using t-test in both manual calculation and using SPSS 20. This analysis was done to examine the difference of score between pretest and posttest. First, the writer manually analyzed the score from pre-test and post-test by calculating the result score into the formula as follows: 1. Seek D Diference between score of variable I X and score of variable II Y and then D = X-Y 2. Add D then getting ∑ D

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