The Schematic Structure of Narrative Text

3. Past Tense  There was a horrible monster called Grendel.  He lived in Denmark. 4.  He went to the Kings castle.  The monster came into the castle and killed a knight 5. Adverb of Time Once upon a time, one day, when, next night, In the morning. 6. Adverb of Place In Denmark, In the castle, In the lake, In a cave. 7. Coordinate Conjunction And, but. In the language features mentioned above frequently to be used in writing a narrative text by a narrator. It always involves a character or the number of characters in every story. Similarly, in the story of the legend of Beowulf above, the specific character is Bewoulf. Moreover, it uses time word in that story, for example, “Once upon a time…” And also the last two elements of language feature. Furthermore, language features are served to make students easier in understanding a story in a text. By the use of past tense, it helps students to characterize the type of narrative text itself, so they can differentiate a narrative text from other text types and the readers will know what happened in the story. However, conjunction is also really important to elaborate the characters and setting of that story. To sum up, language features have a significant role in a text due to it may be helpful for the readers to get a meaning from a story. Meanwhile, the use of past tense pattern in narrative text can tell to the reader about the major feature of a story used. And conjunction is really needed to support the story in term of describing characters and settings. As the writers construct a text, they have to give a big attention to the use of language features because all of components in the language features have a purpose to produce the story to be more alive.

B. Story Mapping

1. The Understanding of Story Mapping

There are many definitions of story mapping stated by several experts. Khalaf states one of them, he defined that story mapping could be used as a visual graphic organizer that draws six elements in narrative text such as setting, characters, sequence of major events and actions of story characters, so that students enable to connect story events and to perceive structure in a story. 17 In line with Khalaf, Lewin said that story mapping is a graphic organizer consists of six components which commonly appear in a story; title, characters, settings, main events, problems, and conflicts, and solution or resolution, it helps the readers to make a relation between the stories which they read and their knowledge. 18 Pamela also stated that story mapping is used to represent some story components in form of graphic visualization which has a purpose to give readers or writers a picture to provide an overview of a story, so that they can make clearly outline the relationships to each other. Those components of story which frequently appears are setting, characters, goal, conflict or sequence of events, and resolution. 19 In addition, according to Walter, story mapping is instructional strategy that provides brief information of critical elements in narrative text through visual. It helps students visualize the people, places, and events of the story. It is also supposed to develop deeply the understanding about plot, characterization, imagery, allusion, and perspective in a story. Besides, in a creative writing exercise, story mapping can be used as an initial process of organizing their ideas 17 Salem Saleh Khalaf Ibnian, The Effect of Using Story Mapping Technique on Developing Tenth Grade Students’ Short Story Writing Skills in EFL, Journal of English Language Teaching, vol.3, 2010, p. 182. 18 Larry Lewin, Paving the Way in Reading and Writing: Strategies and Activities to Support Struggling Students in grade 6-12 1 st ed, New York: Jossey-Bass, 2003, p. 68. 19 Pamela J. Farris, Carol J. Fuhler, and Maria P. Walther, Teaching Reading - a Balanced Approach for Today’s Classroom, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004, p. 345. before proceeding with the story writing. Story mapping is kind of an outline for writing narrative text. 20 Based on the definitions and concepts above, it can be concluded that story mapping is a visual graphic map in which is provided the elements of story such as setting, characters, problems, and resolution which are presented to help the writers associate the whole content of the story, so that they can easily manage their ideas as they write the story. Story mapping is useful to be used by students as an outline of students’ writing. It uses in the early stages of planning a narrative essay. In writing of narrative text, story mapping can create not only writers’ creativity, but also help the writers develop their thoughts appropriate with the theme provided in writing of an imaginative story or telling their experience to the readers.

2. The Procedures of Story Mapping

These are some instructions that have to be followed in writing narrative text by using story mapping. The general procedures are used to prepare a basic story mappping includes the following steps Anna Uhl Chamot et al: 1999: 21 a. Elicit students’ current procedures and strategies for planning before writing. Write a list of ideas on the board. b. Explain the four stages of writing; planning, composing, revising, and editing. Tell the students that they are going to focus on planning and that you are going to share another strategy with them to help them plan their writing. c. Introduce the story mapping as a graphic organizer for planning to write. d. Demonstrate the strategy by partially completing a story mapping in the picture figure 2.2 and 2.3 for your own story. e. Have students complete a story mapping for their folk tale. Students may work in groups to share ideas and help each other. When students are 20 Teressa Walter, Teaching English Language Learners, New York: Pearson Education, 2004, pp. 85-87. 21 Anna Uhl Chamot, et al., The Learning Strategies Hand Book, New York: Longman, 1999, p. 217.

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