Background of the Study

the theme provided. Moreover, story mapping can help students to motivate them in writing. This technique could be effective as prewriting stage of writing process. As Boulliane states that story map is a tool to create a connection of story components using a visual graphic. Those story components are setting, character, problem, and resolution 6 Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested to do a research under the title “Using Story Mapping to Teach Students’ Writing Ability of Narrative Text A Pre Experimental Study at the Second Grade of SMAN 90 Jakarta.” SMAN 90 is selected as the object of this research because it is one of favorite schools in Jakarta. Besides, SMAN 90 is located near by the researcher’s house. Meanwhile, the twelfth grade students are also chosen because narrative text is taught in this grade. That is why, this research is expected to be useful for the development of teaching and learning process in Senior High School and other learners.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the writer summarizes the problem as follows: 1. Most of students still get some difficulties in delivering their idea as they write. Therefore, students should be given a suitable technique which can overcome their problem in writing. 2. Students are confused to start their writing. 3. Students have a low motivation in writing. 4. Students are unable to continue a sentence or paragraph correctly.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem, this study was limited on the use of story mapping as an attempt to improve teaching technique in writing narrative text at 6 Tori Boulliane, et al., Use Story Mapping to increase Students Grammar Text Comprehension in Elementary with Learning Disabilities, Learning Disability Quarterly Journal, vol.27, 2004, p. 3. the eleventh grade of SMAN 90, Jakarta and the students’ improvement in learning writing of narrative text using story mapping.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the statement above, the writer formulates the problems, as follows: “Was story mapping an effective technique to teach writing narrative text?”

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to know the empirical evidence about the effectiveness of using story mapping as an attempt to improve teaching technique in learning writing of narrative text.

F. Benefits of the Study

The findings of this research are expected to provide more information for the readers: 1. The teachers; to provide information about teaching technique which may improve the way of their teaching in Senior High School. Then,they can apply this technique in teaching writing of narrative text in classroom. 2. The students; to stimulate them in writing a narrative text by using story mapping technique in order to involve themselves in the writing process with enthusiasm. Besides, the technique is also expected to make students easier in delivering and organizing their ideas or opinions. 3. The readers; to give information to the readers about the effectiveness of using story mapping to increase students’ writing achievement in narrative text and to be as a reference which is useful for the next researcher. 4. The writer; to give an answer to the writer if using story mapping really works in increasing students’ achievement in writing narrative text, so that it can be regarded as an alternative way to teach English as a foreign language. 6


In this chapter, the writer discussed and elaborated some theories which related to the study. The discussion focuses on understanding of text, narrative text, and story mapping.

A. NARRATIVE TEXT 1. The Understanding of Text

Before turning into the definition of narrative, it should be better to know first about what a text is. Texts could be built from a unity of some words. Around people life is always connected with word world. As they communicate with other people using either written or spoken media, they have unconsciously created a text. Text which is constructed obviously contains a message of what the speaker or writer want to convey to the listener or reader. Then, they are supposed to be able to interpret its meaning. In line with Knefel that stated people who speak or write must have had some purposes and needs in what they say or write. 1 Texts are parts of spoken and written which are created for a particular purpose. To construct a piece of text, speaker or writer needs to make choices about the word used and how those words are mixed together. The choice of words will depend on the purpose and context surrounding of the text. 2 Anderson divided text into two main categories; factual and literary. Within each various types has a usual common way of using language. Literary texts attract our imagination and emotion, it includes of Aboriginal dreaming stories, movie scripts, novels, song lyrics, and soap operas. 3 Literary texts tend to be able to touch our feeling. It can make us laugh or cry, reflect on our own life story, and regard our opinion or judgment. Literary text categories are separated into three 1 Don Knefel, Writing and Life, New York: College Publishing, 1986, p. 4. 2 Mark and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English 3, Sydney: McMillan, 1997, p. 2. 3 Ibid., p. 1. main text types such as, narrative, poetic, and dramatic. Media which can be classified in this category are film, videos, CDs and television show. For instance, literary text mostly discusses more about something unreal or informal things just like poetry or personal story, so it can attract imagination and feeling of the readers or listeners. Through the story which they read from books or watch from films, they can laugh, be sad, be upset, be angry and etc. Another text types is factual text. Factual text such as advertisements, announcements, internet website, current affairs shows, debates, recipes, reports, and instruction. 4 Those texts provide information or ideas, and aim to point out, tell or invite the audience. Factual text generally contains about something which is fact or real rather than the literary text. It describes about the chronological of an event which happens around our environment and explains the reason why and how an event could happen from the beginning to the end. There are several kinds of text based on the generic structure and language feature dominantly used such as Narrative, Recount, Spoof, Report, Description, Procedure, etc. The various texts are called as genre. According to Swales, genre consists of a category of communicative events which the writers share some set of communicative purpose in their writing. 5 In this research, the writer discusses one of genres above that is narrative text. It is one type of texts which is taught in Senior High School level. Students are expected to be able to identify a social function, schematic structure, and linguistic feature of narrative text. The social function is a moral value which is explicit in the story. The schematic structure is the distinctive beginning, middle and ending structure of genre. And linguistic feature is significant grammatical pattern of text. 4 Mark and Kathy Anderson, op. cit., p. 1. 5 John M. Swales, Genre Analysis: English in Academy and Research Settings, New York: Cambridge University Press,1990, p. 59.

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