Predominant Types of Figurative Language in The Script’s Album No

48 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The last chapter of this research is divided into two sections. The first section is conclusions. The conclusions present the summary of the answers to the two research problems that are addressed and discussed in the previous chapters. In the second section, the researcher provides some recommendations related to this research.

A. Conclusions

Based on the results and discussion in Chapter IV, there are two major conclusions. First, the researcher found that there are ten types of figurative language used in the song lyrics of The Script, namely metaphor, simile, hyperbole, meiosis, idiom expressions, rhetorical questions, metonymy, irony, sarcasm, and personification. Second, among the ten of the types of figurative language, hyperbole is the most common type of figurative language that appears the most in The S cript‟s album No Sound without Silence with 46 findings. Then, the second most common type of figurative language that appears the most is rhetorical questions with 39 findings. The hyperbolic expressions are found in every song of The Script album No Sound without Silence. There are four reasons why the songwriters use many hyperbolic expressions in writing the songs. The hyperbolic expressions are used 49 to show the positive emotion since the words used are provoking the happiness to experience. However, the hyperbolic expressions are also used to show the negative emotion. The other two reasons of using hyperbolic expressions are to clarify and emphasize meanings. The songwriters use rhetorical questions in writing five songs in the album. One of the reasons for using rhetorical questions is to show the negative emotion of the songs through the use of lyrics. The other reason why the songwriters use rhetorical questions is because they want the meaning of the lyrics to be clearer and easy to understand.

B. Recommendations

The researcher would like to give some recommendations to the English Language Education Study Program ELESP students, English teachers, and future researchers. Firstly, songs are worth considering to be the sources to learn English. The songs can be used as materials in learning English. They help the students know and understand many types of figurative language and how to interpret them. Furthermore, the songs can be materials for the ELESP students to learn, particularly in Poetry class. Lecturers of Poetry class are strongly recommended to use one of the songs from The Script as the material to learn figurative language. Besides, they can teach critical thinking through the use of the songs since some of the meanings are not derived from the words written. In this case, the students need to think beyond the words written and think deeper about the meanings meant by the songwriters. 50 Secondly, English teachers can use songs as the sources to teach figurative language. Since figurative language is not that easy to be understood, then the researcher recommends through the use of songs, the students will be easy to learn figurative language because songs are things that are really close to humans. Besides, English teachers can also teach vocabulary to students because there are many words used in the songs. Lastly, they are recommendations for future researchers. The future researchers can conduct research that has a similar topic. They can use types of figurative language as the topic and use different songs or other linguistics works to be researched. The future researchers are expected to analyze deeper about songs with other linguistic features and aspects. 51 REFERENCES Ade, O. I., Okuyene, O. 2008. Eng 111: An introduction to literature and literacy criticism. Lagos: National Open University of Nigeria. Attig, J. 2012. “Lyrics” as a type of text for a musical work. Retrieved 14 October 2015 from https:www.libraries.psu.edutasjcaccdadocsjsc1301. pdf Bethlehem, L. S. 1996. Simile and figurative language. Poetics Today, 172, 203-240. Colston, H. L. 2015. Using figurative language. New York: Cambridge University Press. Croker, R. A. 2009. An introduction to qualitative research. In J. Heigham R.A. Croker Eds, Qualitative research in applied linguistics: a practical introduction pp. 3-24. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Fridayani, S.C. 2015. An analysis on sound symbolism found in lullabies and play songs. Retrieved 29 November 2015 from 9801 091214016.pdf Heasly, B. Hurford, J.R. 1996. Semantics: a course book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Heller, D. 2011. Figurative Speech as a representation of meaning. Retrieved 28 November 2015 from http:www.wls.sav.skwp-contentuploadsWLS_3_ 11Heller.pdf Jakobson, R. 1960. Style in language. New York and London: The Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology and John Wiley Sons, Inc. Jay, T. 2003. The Psychology of language. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education. Lakoff, G., Johnson, M . 2003. Metaphors we live by. London: The University of Chicago Press. Masruri, M. 2012. Figurative language analysis in letto‟s songs “truth, cry and lie” album. Retrieved 29 November 2015 from http:perpus.iainsalatiga. ac.iddetailDocDig.php?id=1057 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 52 No Sound Without Silence. Retrieved 21 October 2015 from https:en. wikipedia.orgwikiNo_Sound_Without_Silence Olsson, L. 2010. Language use in metal song lyrics: A study of the song lyrics of the Swedish power metal band falconer. Retrieved 30 November 2015 Perrine, L. 1983. Literature: Structure, sounds, and sense 4 th ed.. London: Hourcort Brace Jovanovich Inc. Robert R. M., Kreuz R. J. 1994. Why do people use figurative language? Psychological Science, 53, 159-163. Setiawan, A. A. 2014. Figurative language analysis in song lyrics of coldplay band. Retrieved 1 December 2015 from browsemod=viewjournaljournal=6498issue=20Vol205,20No2 0320 Sivasubramaniyan, P. 2012. Research methodology: An introduction. Retrieved 2 December 2015 from http:www.limat.orgdataresearchResearch20 Methodology.pdf Widianti, D. 2007. Understanding the use of figurative language in the song lyrics of coldplay band using ethnography of communication theory. Retrieved 29 November 2015 from handle12345678915193a2059-1.pdf?sequence=1 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI