Rhetorical Questions Metonymy Theoretical Description

21 ought to get the cave man and We really ought to get the doorman is the same. The meaning is the same because the context clarifies the words meaning. If there is no context in the conversation, then the meaning of door and cave is different as cited in Colston, 2015, p. 112.

C. Theoretical Framework

The researcher aims to analyze the types of figurative language found in t he lyrics of The Script‟s album No Sound without Silence. There are two research problems already formulated. The first research problem is which types of figurative language are found in th e lyrics of The Script‟s album No Sound without Silence. The second research problem is which types of figurative language predominate in th e lyrics of The Script‟s album No Sound without Silence. The theoretical framework to study based on the review in the proceeding sections is synthesized and displayed in the following figure. Figure 2.1 The Theoretical Framework Lyric s Types of figurative language: 1. Metaphor 2. Simile 3. Hyperbole 4. Meiosis 5. Idiomatic expressions 6. Rhetorical questions 7. Metonymy 8. Irony 9. Sarcasm 10. Personification 11. Indirect requests 12. Contextual expressions Theories from Jay 2003 Theories from Lakoff and Johnson 2003 Theories from Colston 2015 Song Titles: 1. No Good in Goodbye 2. Man on a Wire 3. Never Seen Anything Quite Like You 4. Army of Angels 5. Superheroes 6. Flares 7. It‟s for Right for You 8. The Energy Never Dies 9. Paint the Town Green 10. Hail Rain or Sunshine 11. Without those songs 22


The third chapter of this research presents the description of methodology which is meant to answer two research problems formulated in Chapter I. This chapter consists of research method, research setting, data source, research instruments and data gathering techniques, data analysis techniques, and research procedures.

A. Research Method

This research focused on the figurative language existing in the lyrics of The Script‟s songs in its album No Sound without Silence. This research employed a qualitative method. Qualitative research focuses on the phenomenon in natural settings Croker, 2009. Furthermore, this research was descriptive analytical research. Sivasubramaniyan 2012, pp. 2-3 states that the descriptive research is used to describe the phenomena that are happening at the time. The researcher did not have the control over the variable, but reported phenomena that have happened or are happening. Besides, analytical research means that “the researcher has to use facts or information available and analyze these to make a critical evaluation of the ma terial” Sivasubramaniyan, 2012, p. 3. This research was also an analytical research since the data was available on the internet. The researcher only cross- checked them with the s ongs of The Script‟s album No Sound without Silence. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI