Research Instruments and Data Gathering Techniques Data Analysis Techniques


1. Metaphor

Jay 2003, p. 315 mention s that “a metaphor makes an implicit comparison between two concepts.” The concepts are typically ideas and objects Lakoff Johnson, 2003, p. 14. There are six metaphorical expressions found in the album. The first example is when love‟s a battle Army of Angels, line 1. It is a comparison between love and a battle. People need to give their best efforts to win the love as it is to win the battle. The second example is and life‟s a war Army of Angels, line 2. It compares life and a war. Life is a struggle as it is a war. People need to fight for their lives in a war so that they will not die wastefully as it is in this life. They need to fight for their lives to survive. The third example is this world‟s a warzone Army of Angels, line 7. World is represented by a warzone as the place which all struggles and efforts are done. The fourth example is if hate is poison and love‟s the cure Army of Angels, line 15. There are two comparisons in one line; first is between hate and poison and the other is between love and cure. For the first comparison, the songwriters want to say that hatred and poison are all negative things that could hurt other people. Then, the other comparison means that love and cure are all positive things or even can eliminate negative things. In short, the line means that the negative things can be beaten up by the positive things. The next example is I‟ll tell you life‟s just a blink so don‟t think twice The Energy Never Dies, line 6. The metaphor is a comparison between life and a blink. The songwriters want to tell that they both occur only for a while or not too 29 long. Thus, the line means that this life is too short to hesitate when taking a chance or something that has a good impact on them. The last example is because time‟s a ticking bomb The Energy Never Dies, line 11. The songwriters want to tell that time is as dangerous as a ticking bomb since it could kill people. If they do not use time wisely it is the same as they waste their lives and it is dangerous for them since the waste of chances in life.

2. Simile

Jay 2003, p. 315 says that “simile makes explicit comparisons using like or ” There are nine lines consisting simile. The first example is found in the line cause I feel like I‟m walking on a tightrope Man on a Wire, line 13. The songwriters compare the man‟s condition and his feeling when he is walking on a tightrope. Walking on a tightrope means that he is in the difficult and dangerous situation as it is in the complicated relationship. He needs to be extremely careful with decisions that he is going to take since each decision has its effects on his life. Therefore, it means that he is in the complicated relationship when he wants to struggle for his love even though he knows that his woman probably does not want to do the same. The second example is but I‟ve never seen anything quite like you tonight Never Seen Anything Quite Like You, line 12. The songwriters want to tell that the woman who is looked at by the man has a different appearance from daily appearances. It can mean that the man sees the beauty of the woman that is reflected by her appearance that he has never seen before. 30 The third example of the line consisting simile is cause your love feels like an army of angels Army of Angels, line 11. It is a comparison between your love and an army of angels. An army of angels does not mean literally a group of angels from heaven who are ready to fight, but it represents The Script‟s fans. Therefore, the meaning of the comparison between your love and an army of angels is that they both are great because they are all brave, loving, kind, and caring supporters. The fourth example is Oh I feel you round me like a second skin Army of Angels, line 19. “You” refers to the fans. Then, the comparison is between the fans and a second skin. Thus, the line means that the fans are really close and stuck to the band since it is the same as a skin. The fifth example is my heart, my heart is heavy and it sinks like a stone It‟s not Right for You, line 2. It is a comparison between two things that is totally different which is between the man‟s heart and a stone. Then, the songwriters explicitly want to say that the heart is heavy since it is full of burdens and problems. The next examples of the lines consisting simile are just like home, let‟s color the streets like our own, let‟s make the place feel like our own, and and we travel on the subway like it was the Luas Line Paint the Town Green, lines 16, 17, 18, and 21. The meaning of the similes is almost the same one another which is telling Ireland immigrants to enjoy their lives even though they are not in their homeland. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI