25 passages within the text which express a particular idea or refer to an event.” In order to make the categorization clearer, the researcher made Table 3.1. Table 3.1 Observation Sheet of Types of Figurative Language by Each Song

1. No Good in Goodbye

1 All the things that we‟ve lost 2 Breaking off comes at a cost 3 I know I‟ll miss this mistake Me Si H Mi IE RQ My Ir S P  Abbreviations: Me : Metaphor IE : Idiomatic Expressions Ir : Irony Si : Simile RQ : Rhetorical Questions S : Sarcasm H : Hyperbole My : Metonymy P : Personification Mi : Meiosis Furthermore, the index as seen in Appendix 1 helped the researcher to categorize the lyrics of the songs based on the types of figurative language. Then, the researcher compared and interpreted the lyrics based on the context of each song. To avoid misinterpretation of the meaning, the researcher validated the analysis by the assistance of two experts in figurative language. The experts validated the analysis by reading the record of figurative language in each song as seen in Appendix 4.1 – 4.11 and the list of data classification of figurative language types as seen in Appendix 3. They gave comments and suggestions on the analysis orally to the researcher. Furthermore, they corrected the wrong analysis so that the researcher obtained the correct analysis. Lastly, after all the songs were analyzed and classified based on the table, the researcher summarized and concluded the data analysis. Moreover, the researcher used Table 3.2 to present the results of data analysis. The table consisted of the eleven song titles and figurative language types. Moreover, it showed the total number and figurative language types used in each song. 26 Table 3.2 Cross Tabulation of the Data Analysis Result Abbreviations: Me : Metaphor IE : Idiomatic Expressions Ir : Irony Si : Simile RQ : Rhetorical Questions S : Sarcasm H : Hyperbole My : Metonymy P : Personification Mi : Meiosis

F. Research Procedures

In this part, the researcher explained how this research was conducted. The steps were illustrated in the following figure. Steps Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 3.1 The Research Procedures Song Titles Me Si H Mi IE RQ My Ir S P 1. No Good in Goodbye 2. Man on A Wire Total Transcribing the lyrics of eleven songs in the album Observing and recording the result of figurative expressions found in each song Cross tabulating of all figurative expressions found in the lyrics Describing and explaining the figurative expressions found in the lyrics Reporting and presenting the result of data analysis Validating the analysis PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI