Lyrics Definition of Terms

11 Setiawan 2014 used 5 songs from Coldplay band which were Yellow, Clock, A Message, Fix You, and The Scientist to be researched. The research aimed to find what types of figurative language used in those song lyrics. To get the answer, he used qualitative research and content analysis as the approach to gather data and analyze them. It was stated in his research that he finally found out five types of figurative language in those song lyrics which were metaphor 80, simile 4, hyperbole 7, personification 7, and onomatopoeia 2. The most frequently figurative language type used was different from the first research even though the object was the same. It was metaphor with 80. Fridayani 2015 analyzed the existence of sound symbolism in lullabies and play songs in English language. She used 15 lullabies and 45 play songs selected from the internet. Those songs were analyzed using content analysis as the method and qualitative as the approach. To analyze the sound symbolism in the lullabies and play songs; she chose to categorize them into four categories which were corporeal, imitative, synesthetic, and conventional. Then, as stated in the research, it was found that there were 15 sound symbolic words in the lullabies and 116 sound symbolic words in the play songs. There were 6 conventional sound symbolic words, 6 sound symbolic words of combined categories, 3 imitative sound symbolic words found in the lullabies. Besides, there were 55 imitative sound symbolic words, 27 sound symbolic words of combined categories, 22 conventional sound symbolic words, 10 corporeal sound symbolic words, and 2 synesthetic sound symbolic words in the play songs. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 Masruri 2012 analyzed the Letto‟s song lyrics in an album entitled Truth, Cry, and Lie. He was to find types of figurative language used in the ten songs inside the album and also to find the type of figurative language that was mostly used in the lyrics. The approach which was used in the research was qualitative descriptive analysis that meant that he gave the description of figurative language used in the song lyrics of Letto. Then, he found that there were some types of figurative language used in the Letto ‟s song lyrics which were personification 9, ellipsis 23, rhetoric 10, metaphor 3, synecdoche 1, anticlimax 1, and pleonasm 1. It could be seen that ellipsis was the figurative language type that was the most frequently used in the songs. Different from the previous studies, this research focuses on figurative meanings found in The Script‟s song lyrics. The researcher also tries to figure out