Designing Multiple-Choice Test Items

20 3 Increased cost-effectiveness Cost-effectiveness is a third major goal for blended learning systems in both higher education and corporate institutions. Blended learning systems provide an opportunity for reaching a large, globally dispersed audience in a short period of time with consistent, semi personal content delivery. As cited by Graham 2006, Bersin and Associates 2003 have done an exemplary job of documenting corporate cases that have effectively used blended learning to provide a large return on investment. As stated by Graham 2006, there are some categories of blended learning system, the categories are: 1 Enabling blends The primarily focus of this category is on addressing issues of access and convenience. The example is blends that are intended to provide additional flexibility to the learners or blends that attempt to provide the same opportunities or learning experience but through different modality. 2 Enhancing blends This category allows little changes to the pedagogy but do not radically change the way teaching and learning occur. For example, in a traditional face-to- face learning environment, additional resources and perhaps some supplementary materials may be included online. 3 Transforming blends This category allows a radical transformation of the pedagogy. For example, a change from a model where learners are just receivers of information 21 to a model where learners actively construct knowledge through dynamic interactions. These types of blends enable intellectual activity that was not practically possible without technology. The designed materials proposed blended learning activities. The material instruction was conducted partly face-to-face and partly online. The designed materials included in the enhancing blends category since there was no significant change in the way teaching and learning process.

7. Hot Potatoes

As Richardson, Lidbury, and Zhang 2007, 83stated that the Hot Potatoes 6 Software was created by the Research and Development team at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre in Canada and is free for educational institutions to install. As quoted by Nathalie Cazaux 2004, 1, Hot Potatoes have some facilities that teacher can use, they are: 1 JQuiz This program creates short answer quizzes. The learner types the answer in the text-field and receives feedback from the computer. Up to four possible correct answers are available, assuming the teacher has included them. Holmes and Arneil were keen to avoid a simple “one click rightwrong” Holmes and Arneil 1999:p.13 interface, so instead they allow for more useful feedback.

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