Computer Assisted Language Learning CALL

21 to a model where learners actively construct knowledge through dynamic interactions. These types of blends enable intellectual activity that was not practically possible without technology. The designed materials proposed blended learning activities. The material instruction was conducted partly face-to-face and partly online. The designed materials included in the enhancing blends category since there was no significant change in the way teaching and learning process.

7. Hot Potatoes

As Richardson, Lidbury, and Zhang 2007, 83stated that the Hot Potatoes 6 Software was created by the Research and Development team at the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre in Canada and is free for educational institutions to install. As quoted by Nathalie Cazaux 2004, 1, Hot Potatoes have some facilities that teacher can use, they are: 1 JQuiz This program creates short answer quizzes. The learner types the answer in the text-field and receives feedback from the computer. Up to four possible correct answers are available, assuming the teacher has included them. Holmes and Arneil were keen to avoid a simple “one click rightwrong” Holmes and Arneil 1999:p.13 interface, so instead they allow for more useful feedback. 22 2 JMix This program creates jumbled sentence exercises that are very similar to ones that can be created with paper and scissors. Again, the good thing is that the teachers are able to include all combinations, so the learner isn’t faced with correct suggestions being rejected by the computer. 3 JCross This program creates crossword puzzles 20x20 letters in size. Clues can be either in word-form or as pictures pictures are a bit harder to create. 4 JMatch This program can produce either listing exercises, for example placing frequency adverbs in order, or matching exercises, such as linking countries and nationalities or beginning and ending of sentences. As with JCross, pictures can be used in place of words. 5 JCloze This program creates gap-filling exercises. The java-script looks for parts of right answers, but only one answer for each gap is accepted and feedback is limited. The exercises designed by the writer employed two facilities of Hot Potatoes Software, there are JQuiz and JCloze since the teachers usually used multiple-choice exercises and short answer exercises.

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