Final Product Revision Findings and Discussion on the Designed Exercises Evaluation

57 In designing the online exercises, this study gathered the data related to the students’ needs, interests, lacks, and the description of the learning process by distributing the questionnaire and conducting the interview. The questionnaire was distributed to four of eight classes of tenth grade students of SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta. Furthermore, the writer interviewed an English teacher of the tenth grade students of SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta. Besides, three English lecturers of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and two English teachers of SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta were also involved for the sake of obtaining the opinions, comments, and suggestions to revise the online exercises. Based on the respondent’s evaluation on the designed online exercises, the average point of the central tendency is 3.5 from scale 5. This means that the designed online exercises for the tenth grade students of SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta are good and acceptable. The presentation of the designed online exercises was intended to answer the second question in the problem formulations. The question is what the set of online English Tenses exercises using Hot Potatoes Software for tenth grade students of SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta looks like. The designed online exercises consist of four English Tenses. Each English Tenses becomes the title of each unit. The units are: Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Simple Past Tense, and Past Continuous Tense. The complete set of the designed online exercises can be accessed in 58

B. Suggestions

There are some suggestions for the English teacher and other researchers. The suggestions are as follow:

1. English teachers, especially English teachers of

SMA Stella Duce 1 Yogyakarta The writer suggests the English teachers use the designed online exercises in order to help the students increase their English Tenses comprehension and to help the students feel enjoy studying English. Moreover, the writer suggests that the English teachers to prepare and study more on the technical things in the designed online exercises. In addition, the teacher should be really prepared and ready to use the designed online exercises.

2. Other researchers

The use of computer and internet in the language learning becomes an important issue nowadays. The writer recommended other researcher to create other researches on this field in order to improve students’ English comprehension and creativity. By doing so, the writer expects that the other researchers can develop the more appropriate and relevant designed exercises.

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