Distinguishing Power Theoretical Descriptions

To calculate the level of difficulty of the test in form of essay according to Anas Sudijono 2011: 134 must be done the steps as follows: a Calculate the average score for each item with the formula: b Calculate the level of difficulty using the formula: c Compare the level of difficulty with hardship criteria d Make interpretation of difficulty level by comparing coefficients with the difficulty level criteria.

4. Distinguishing Power

According to Anas Sudijono 2011: 385, distinguishing power is the ability of an item of achievement test to be able to distinguish between the testee with a high and low capability. Knowing the distinguishing power was very important, because as one of the handles to arrange the item of achievement test is the notion that the ability of one testee are different from another testee. Moreover, achievement test item must be able to provide test results which reflect the differences in ability among the testee. Distinguishing power of an item can be determined by looking at the number of the index discrimination of an item. The number of item discrimination index is a number that indicates the number of the distinguishing power owned by a question. Similarly, by analyzing the level of difficulty, in analyzing the distinguishing power of the question in the form of objective and essay is done in different ways. All the participants of the tests are grouped into 2 groups, upper group and lower group. After divided into two groups, distinguishing power can be calculated using the following formula: Notes: D = distinguishing power = number of participants in upper group who answered questions correctly = number of participants in upper group who answered questions incorrectly J = number of test participants = number of participants in upper group = number of participants in lower group = proportion of participants in upper group who answered questions correctly = proportion of participants in lower group who answered questions correctly Suharsimi, 2013: 228 Classification of distinguishing power are as follows: D = 0,00 - 0,19 = poor D = 0,20 – 0,39 = satisfactory D = 0,40 – 0,69 = good D = 0,70 – 1,00 = excellent Suharsimi, 2013: 232 The higher coefficient of distinguishing power of a test item, the more ability of test item to distinguish students who master the material with students who did not master the material.

5. Pattern of Answer Distributions