Overview of SMA Negeri Banyumas Description of Research Data



A. Overview of SMA Negeri Banyumas

SMA Negeri Banyumas is a school that is located in Banyumas district area. SMA Negeri Banyumas is located at Jalan Pramuka No. 13 Banyumas. This school has the facilities and infrastructure to support the learning process including classrooms, teachers room, principals room, school health unit UKS, a field, a parking lot, chemistry lab, physics lab, language lab, biology lab, archive room, scout space, OSIS room and warehouse space. SMA Negeri Banyumas has the vision and mission, namely: Vision: Superior in performance and skilled based on Iman and Taqwa Mission: 1. Education based on IPTEK and IMTAQ. 2. Improving academic and non-academic achievement. 3. Debriefing skills toward independence. 4. Forum for the promotion and development of art appreciation, religion, sport, and scientific works through extracurricular. 5. Synergistic relationship with the community and institutions agencies.

B. Description of Research Data

This research was conducted to determine the quality of the test items in Odd Semester Final Examination Accounting Economy Subject at Grade XII IPS SMA Negeri Banyumas Academic Year of 20142015 reviewed by the aspects of validity, reliability, distinguishing power, level of difficulty, and effectiveness of distractors. Data used in the form of test items of Odd Semester Exam Accounting Economic Subject consisting of 35 multiple choice questions and 5 essay questions, followed by 112 students majoring in social studies Grade XII. Data obtained using the documentation method that includes the questions framework, test questions, answer key, and answer sheets of students from Odd Semester Examination question on Accounting Economy Subject at Grade XII IPS SMA Negeri Banyumas Academic Year of 20142015. Data were analyzed by Anates Version 4.09 software to determine validity, reliability, distinguishing power, level of difficulty, and effectiveness of distractors.

C. Research Results