B. Relevant Researches

1. Research conducted by Ika Ratna Kurniasih in 2009 entitled: “Analisis Butir Soal Tes Sumatif Buatan Guru Ekonomi Akuntansi Kelas XI IPS di SMA N 1 Sewon Bantul ”. The results showed that the valid items as much as 29 grains 72,.5. Judging from the good level of difficulty at the amount of 20 items 50. Good distinguishing power of 33 items 82,5. Index of reliability at 0,557 it indicates that the question is not the included in the high level of reliability. Effectiveness of detractors is excellent with 4 items 10. 2. Research conducted by Eni Puri Rahayu in 2012 entitled: “Analisis Butir Soal Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas Ekonomi Akuntansi Kelas XI IPS Semester Genap MAN 2 Wates Tahun Ajaran 20112012 ”. The results showed that: 1 Based on the validity, the valid question is 65 and 35 is invalid. 2 Based on the level of reliability, it has a low reliability of 0,534. 3 Based on the difficulty level, the easy question as much as 7,5 criteria, moderate criteria were 62,5 and 30 of difficult criteria. 4 based on the distinguishing power, excellent question is 0, good question 35, enough question at the amount of 32,5, and 32,5 of bad question. 5 Based on the pattern of answer distributions, the excellent criteria is 52,5, good criteria of 35, moderate criteria of 12,5, unfavorable criteria 0, and not good at 0. 3. Research conducted by Atik Fitriatun in 2013 entitled: “Analisis Validitas Reliabilitas dan Butir Soal Latihan Ujian Nasional Ekonomi Akuntansi Kelas XII IPS MAN Mguwoharjo Tahun Ajaran 20122013 ”. The results showed that: 1 Based on the validity, validity of the empirical questions that have low criteria is 57,5 and a question that has a very low validity is 32,5 2 Based on the level of reliability, it has a low reliability of 0,546. 3 Based on the level of difficulty, the question is pretty good for 52,5 included in the category of moderate and a comparison between the level of difficulty of the question have a proportional approach. 4 based on the distinguishing power, the excellent question is 2.5, good question is 27,5, and enough category of question at 40. 5 Based on the pattern of answer distributions, the very good criteria is 25, good 37,5, and enough category is 30.

C. Research Framework