Validity and Reliability RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

is used in the same research setting. To fulfill the investigator triangulation, the researcher asked the English teacher and the collaborator to help the researcher during the action in the classroom. The purpose of this triangulation was to avoid bias or subjective observations. The last form of the triangulation is theoretical triangulation. It means that the data in this research were analyzed from more than one perspective from some theoretical reviews. The researcher also reviewed theories from some books to obtain this form of triangulation.

E. Research Procedures

The research implemented the procedure of action research proposed by Kemmis and McTaggart in Burns 2010 with some modification based on the students’ and the school’s condition. The procedures were as follows. 1. Reconnaissance In this research, the researcher carried out the research collaboratively with the English teacher and the researcher’s colleague as collaborators in the school. In this step, the researcher firstly observed the English teaching and learning process taught by Mr Mukiran, S.Pd. The researcher did observation to have data. The researcher also interviewed the collaborators and the students to identify the problems related to the students’ writing skills. Then, the researcher determined some plans related to the problems on the students’ writing skills. 2. Action a. Planning Action In this step, the researcher made some plans to be implemented in the action research. The researcher collaborated together with the collaborator, the English teacher, and the headmaster. The action was aimed at improving the students’ ability in writing narrative texts using short animated stories. b. Implementing Action The actions were implemented in two cycles. Each cycle was done in three meetings. The short English animated stories were taken from The researcher, the collaborator, and the English teacher observed and recorded the students’ reactions during the activities. 3. Reflection The reflection was done every time after the actions implemented. The reflection was made by all involved members of the research. The successful actions then were continued in the teaching and learning process. However, those which were not successful were then modified into the more suitable actions. 39


This chapter reveals the findings and discussion referring to the efforts to improve students’ ability in writing narrative texts using short English animated stories. It will be presented in three headings: reconnaissance, the implementation of the actions and discussion.

A. Reconnaissance

1. Identification of the Field Problems

In the reconnaissance stage, several steps were done to identify the problems of the research in the field. The first step was to conduct a preliminary observation of the English teaching and learning process, especially in writing skills of class VIII C SMP N 2 Sanden Bantul Yogyakarta. The other step was to hold interviews with the English teacher and students of class VIII C as the research participants. It was important to pay attention to the facts on the teaching learning process of writing in class VIII C based on the observation done on Friday, February 28th 2014 as a part of identifying the problems of the field. The field notes below became the initial data which were needed to be taken into account before implementing some actions in class VIII C SMP Negeri 2 Sanden Bantul Yogyakarta to improve students’ ability in writing narrative texts.