Salary ratio Financial and Non-financial conditions transparency.


11. Pemberian Dana kepada Aktivitas Politik dan Sosial

Selama 2012, bank tidak menyediakan pemberian dana bagi aktivitas sosial dan juga tidak memberikan sumbangan ke aktivitas politik.

II. Penilaian Good Corporate Governance Bank

Penilaian Good Corporate Governance Bank telah dikaji ulang secara periodik dan dinilai setidaknya setiap tahun. Hasil penilaian Good Corporate Governance bank merupakan bagian terintegrasi dari laporan penerapan Good Corporate Governance. Hasi penilaian bank didasarkan pada prinsip Good Crporate Governance yang terdiri dari transparansi, akuntabilitas, pertanggung jawaban, independen, dan keadilan serta ketiga aspek governance, yaitu governance structure, governance process dan governance outcome . Total nilai komposit yang diperoleh adalah 2 dengan predikat Baik. Kesimpulan Umum Pelaksanaan Good Corporate Governance Pelaksanaan prinsip Good Corporate Governance GCG Bangkok Bank cabang Jakarta telah berlandaskan pada 5 prinsip dasar yang telah dipatuhi dan penilaian kecukupan dan efektivitas pelaksanaan prinsip GCG dilakukan secara komprehensif dan terstruktur atas ketiga aspek governance, yaitu governance structure, governance process dan governance outcome. Manajemen Bank telah melakukan penerapan Good Corporate Governance yang secara umum baik yang tercermin dari pemenuhan yang memadai atas prinsip-prinsip Good Corporate Governance dan kelemahan yang ada dalam penerapan prinsip Good Corporate Governance bersifat kurang signifikan dan dapat diselesaikan dengan tindakan normal oleh manajemen Bank.

11. Fund provision to social and political activities.

During 2012, the bank does not have provided fund provision to social activity and there was also no donation to political activity.

II. Good Corporate Governance Self – assessment

Good Corporate Governance self-assessment has been periodically reviewed and assessed at least once a year. The self-assessment result of good corporate governance is an integral part of good corporate governance implementation report. This self-assessment result has evaluated performance of good corporate governance principles, which consist of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independency and fairness at the bank., also three aspects of governance, the governance structure, governance and process governance outcomes Total composite scores were achieved at 2 with predicate Good Governance. General conclusion of Good Corporate Governance Implementation. Implementation of Good Corporate Governance GCG Jakarta branch of Bangkok Bank has been established based on five basic principles which have been complied with and the adequacy assessment and effectiveness of the implementation of corporate governance principles is describe comprehensive and structured on three aspects of governance, the governance structure, governance and process governance outcomes Bank management has made the implementation of good corporate governance in general is good, reflected in an adequate fulfillment of the principles of good corporate governance and weaknesses in the application of the principles of Good Corporate Governance are less significant and can be solved with normal action by the Banks management.