Penilaian Good Corporate Governance Bank

LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2012 16 ANNUAL REPORT Dari penilaian sendiri atas pelaksanaan GCG, berikut adalah faktor yang menjadi kekuatan pelaksanaan GCG : Bank telah memiliki kecukupan struktur tata kelola dalam proses pelaksanaan prinsip GCG sesuai dengan ketentuan Bank Indonesia dan harapan stakeholder. Bank juga telah memiliki infrastruktur yang memadai dalam bentuk SDM, IT, jaringan kantor, kebijakan dan prosedur dalam menerapkan prinsip GCG dan didukung penuh oleh IBG kantor pusat yang menjalankan fungsi selaku dewan komisaris, juga untuk mendukung transparansi, Bank telah memiliki lokal website yang memuat produk perbankan yang dimiliki dan laporan keuangan. Terkait implementasi prinsip kepatuhan, Bank senantiasa mensosialisasikan kepada seluruh jenjang dalam Bank tentang ketentuan-ketentuan baru, prinsip kehati-hatian, prinsip manajemen risiko, budaya kepatuhan, pengendalian internal. Manajemen mendukung penuh proses yang menjamin implementasi GCG dalam Bank. Selain itu, kantor pusat Bangkok Bank mendukung penuh Rencana Bisnis Bank dalam rangka peningkatan pertumbuhan kredit portofolio dan penambahan modal disetor dan dana usaha guna memperkuat struktur permodalan Bank. Sementara, terdapat kelemahan dalam pelaksanaan GCG, yaitu : Bangkok Bank Jakarta merupakan kantor cabang bank asing dari Thailand dimana pelaksanaan fungsi Dewan Komisaris serta Komite – komite telah disesuaikan dengan struktur organisasi Bangkok Bank International. Adapun fungsi dewan Komisaris dan komite-komite dilakukan oleh IBG, Kantor Pusat terhadap kinerja kantor cabang Jakarta yang hasilnya berupa laporan pengawasan dari IBG yang dikirim secara berkala tiap 3 bulan kepada kantor cabang Bangkok Bank Jakarta. From self-assessment on the implementation of good corporate governance, the following is a strength factor GCG : The Bank has adequate governance structures in the implementation of corporate governance principles in accordance with Bank Indonesia regulations and stakeholder expectations. Bank has adequate infrastructure in the form of HR, IT, Branch networks, policies and procedures in applying the principles of good corporate governance and is fully supported by IBG headquarters function as the board of commissioners, as well as to support transparency, the Bank has a local website containing the product owned banking and financial reports. Related to the implementation of the principle of compliance, the Bank continuously disseminate to all levels of the Bank of the new provisions, the prudential principle, the principle of risk management, compliance culture, internal controls. Management fully supports the process that ensures the implementation of GCG in Bank. Additionally, the headquarters of Bangkok Bank fully supports the Business Plan in order to increase the loan portfolio growth and additional paid-in capital and operating funds to strengthen the Banks capital structure. Meanwhile, there is weakness in the implementation of corporate governance, namely: Bangkok Bank in Jakarta is a branch office of a foreign bank Thailand where the performance of the functions of Board of Commissioners and the Committee - the committee has been adapted to the organizational structure of the Bangkok Bank International. The functions of the Board of Commissioners and committees conducted by IBG, to Jakarta branch performance which is the result of the supervision of IBG are sent periodically every 3 months to the Bangkok Bank branch office in Jakarta