Legal Awareness ThEORETIcAL REvIEW 1. Review of Previous Research

4 Volume 15, No.1 Maret 2011 Wagner and Sanders 200 investigated the relationship between religion and a theoretical ethical decision making process that an individual uses when evaluating ethical or unethical situations. An ethical decision making model was studied for general unethical scenarios and for the unethical behavior of digital media piracy. The study of analyzing consumer’s willingness to pay for non-pirated consumer digital media and examined how attitudes toward intellectual property rights and perceived risk affect willingness to pay was also explored Hsu Shiue, 2008; Chiu, Hsieh, Wang, 2008; Chiou, Huang, Lee, 2005. This study showed that social norms had positive inluences on willingness to pay for digital media products. Moreover, prior research on digital media piracy has focused primarily on the effects of macro e.g., social, economic, and industrial conditions on piracy behavior Banerjee, Khalid, Sturm, 2005; Easley, 2005, or the strategies companies can use to control piracy d’Astous, Colbert, Montpetit, 2005. Studies have shown that ethical behavior vary in accordance with consumer demographics such as gender, age, and educational attainment Tan, 2002; Sims, Cheng, Hildy, 1996. It was found that age, educational attainment, gender, and economic background are signiicantly correlated with their attitude towards digital media piracy.

2.2. Legal Awareness

Legal enforcement takes against pirates including anti pirating regulations or laws Bush, Bloch, Dawson, 989. The concept of fair use remains one of the most important and least understood aspects of copyright law; it states that users must have a clear understanding of what constitutes the fair use of digital media program, digitized imaged and computerized text. A local digital media maker has urged the authorities to increase the ight against piracy with consistent legal action. The cyber crime law would not make any difference without strict law enforcement by the police. The protection against intellectual property rights violations has to be enforced. The police with digital media makers have to take strict legal action against digital media pirates and give direct education about piracy to end-user, and send notiication about cheap digital media to small and home companies; as well as free training for small industries. The legal enforcement also includes increasing awareness among local consumers on the need to buy original digital media products because it is expected to help salvage the future of local digital media companies and related small businesses. When people buy the original products, they will not only get the full package, but they will change their work attitude, because they will try harder to protect their personal computer data more carefully from virus and damage. Previous research suggests an inverse relationship between the perceived severity of punishment and willingness to by illicit goods Chiu, Hsieh, Wang, 2008. Therefore, legal actions might force consumer intentions to buy legal digital media. Customers would not buy pirated material if they are afraid of being caught by the police. Furthermore, if a person considers an act morally unacceptable, he or she will take it into account when making a decision regarding that act Tan, 2002 which should enhance his or her purchase willingness to buy legal digital media.

2.3. Moral Judgment