Data collection Method The Measurement of variables Exploratory Study

6 Volume 15, No.1 Maret 2011 considered to use digital media program for doing their job activity, and 4 able to be differentiated of users and nonusers of legal digital media.

3.2. Data collection Method

The data collection method is done by distributing a questionnaire. It is a formulated written set of questions which respondents record their answers and closely deined alternatives. The advantage is the researcher can collect all the completed responses within short period of time. Administering questionnaires to large numbers of individuals simultaneously is less expensive and less time consuming.

3.3. The Measurement of variables

X1 = moral judgment-the level of consumers to comprehend that acting of piracy is wrong X2 = legal awareness-the level of consumers to know the law Y = the digital piracy of video, book, music, and ilm Self-administered questionnaires with established measurement are used for all measures. An appropriate method of statistical estimation for the model is regression analysis.

3.4. Exploratory Study

Exploratory study is done because researchers do not know the information in problem solving of the research. Knowledge about the problems researchers studied was too little. This study was conducted to ind new areas in order to obtain further understanding. Exploratory study also aimed to gain understanding of the situation because researchers could more accurately formulate the problem. This study also used other interview techniques, namely the focus group discussion. This method was aimed to obtain information from trusted sources. This was a technique of gathering information from a number of interactions of individuals who performed at the same time by using a series of questions and making observations directly. Some concepts in the research model explain the behavior of digital media piracy. These concepts were legal awareness and moral obligation. Members of focus group discussions were students at the University of Paramadina and teachers. Students were regarded as consumers who had a tendency to make a purchase or download pirated products over the internet media. In addition, lecturers were also considered as potential perpetrators to buy pirated or downloaded for free via the internet. Interviews were conducted with 5 students aged about 8-24 years and two lecturers who have an active interaction with digital media. A focus group discussion was conducted about two hours. Interviews were conducted using structured techniques with a number of questions that had been prepared. Consideration of election of members of focus group discussion is an individual who has previous experience in interacting with the Internet. Lecturer is chosen because it is assumed that individuals have a frequency of use of the Internet to ind information and teaching materials for other information outside the main task of teaching. Meanwhile, students become the members of focus group discussion because students also have a strong interaction in the use of the Internet, especially related to learning materials or ind songs, new books or movies. Questions in the focus group discussions were related to a number of indicators in the questionnaire. The purpose is done to conirm the level of the indicators applied in real conditions and it is done by individuals. Focus group discussions can reveal a number of variables that could explain the behavior of individuals in the form of buying pirated software, books, movies, music, and digital images. The interviews showed that individuals try to always make a purchase of products quality according to the price. Product quality can be helpful in completing Illegal Digital Media Usage: Based on Moral Judgment and Legal Awareness Iin Mayasari dan Dikara Barcah 7 the job properly. Purchase original software can provide the best performance in completing the job because the individual has no trouble using and it does not destroy the computer. However, individuals also argued that good quality can be bought cheaply, without the need to pay greater. If related to computer use, the use of pirated software can be overcome. This is done by using modern facilities to support such a good audio speaker or a good computer, thereby eliminating the bad quality. The use of the product without making a purchase has become commonplace. This condition is easy to access to download any information through internet such as songs, movies, even books. The download is done because the individual thinks it is something usual and using the principle of simplicity. Simplicity is something that is considered by individuals to obtain information easily without the need to try to buy products with their own money. Ease to obtain information can be made by individuals at any time if individuals have internet access. Individual accessibility to the products offered by the marketer or the company makes it easy for individuals to get it. Consumer accessibility to the products offered via the internet by members of the discussion is also supported by a number of things. First, pirated digital media is very easy to ind in every shopping center in Jakarta. Some shops specialize in Jakarta offers a number of pirated products that consumers have an easiness to get. In addition, internet also allows individuals to have free access. Fast internet access offered by a number of companies also allows individuals to get a free product. Downloading can be done quickly and easily. Second, the technology causes devices to protect the original disc can also be penetrated. That is, consumers with easy to ind something that is the result of someone elses work for free. Third, post-Napster ile-sharing caused many on the internet. This mechanism allows people to get the product either songs or movies without the need to make payments. Focus group discussions also explained that the original product purchase is intended to honor individuals who have created it. This is the original product is copyrighted and intellectual property of individuals that must be respected. However, in reality, individuals cannot avoid the purchase of pirated products. In addition, individuals also think if associated with the purchase of new songs in one compact disc would be too dear to purchase the entire album. Individuals may not like the whole song in one album. Of course this would be a waste to buy a whole. Related to the problem of morality, the members of the discussion also realize that buying a product in a way to download free via the Internet can avoid the payment of royalties from the product owner, songs, and books. Morality is concerned with the problem of appropriate or inappropriate to take something for free by not even permission from the owner. However, another argument put forward is to do a download via the Internet is only intended for personal interests, without any intention to sell the product to the people. In addition, property owners of artist songs, for example, would not decrease his wealth, because such this wealth can be obtained by additional performances on stage, a particular product endorser, and a photo model and even become a movie star. The price of digital media is also receiving attention. The price of digital media is perceived expen- sive. Consumers have the perception that high prices could lead not to make a purchase. This is of course restrict- ing ownership. Not all consumers have the ability to buy. According to members of the discussion, price now is not a big problem, because it is supported by good infrastructure facilities will cause consumers to access the product via the internet. The condition of an expensive digital media provides the opportunity for marketers to develop products that much cheaper. It is assumed that there is a certain market segment that has a limited capacity but has a need. Buyers of pirated digital products recognized has violated the law. The purchase of pirated products was illegal because the Government of Indonesia has issued regulations governing the purchase of pirated products. Law Number 29 Year 2002 and Government Regulation No. 29 Year 2004 have been set on the circulation of pirated products. In addition, there is Law Number 9 Year 2002 concerning Copyrights. Copyright is intended to pro- tect a number of creations in the ields of science, art, literature, books, computer programs, songs, music, and movies. However, this rule does not appear to force consumers to comply with regulations. This is shown by the still rampant digital media sales at mall-shopping Jakarta. Widespread purchase of pirated products is supported by a collective culture. This collective culture is a common belief that owned by a group of individuals in a society that believed the truth. Purchase of pirated products 8 Volume 15, No.1 Maret 2011 is something unusual happening today. There are norms that seemed to allow people to pirate without any sense of concern being considered as individuals who have violated the law. This condition is supported by a state that shows when individuals try to buy original products, friends or other individuals who are in one group will be reminded not to buy the original product because there is a cheaper alternative. The results also show that the discussion.