Pre-Activity Whilst-Activity Single Word Code Switching

a. Pre-Activity

In pre-activity of teaching and learning process, there was not any case of single word code switching. Single word code switching did not appear in teaching English to the third grade students of SMP Karitas Ngaglik.

b. Whilst-Activity

Since there was not any case of single word code switching in pre-activity, the first discussion was on whilst-activity. Most of cases of single word code switching existed in this part of activities. Whilst-activity had 52 cases of single word code switching. That was the highest amount compared to the other two parts of activities. On August 16 th 2010, there were 15 cases of single word code switching appearing in whilst-activity. Two of the cases were presented below. 1. Stick means menempelkan stick. 2. Antennae made of apa what? On August 20 th 2010, there were two cases of single word code switching in whilst-activity. The cases of single word code switching that appeared on that day were presented below. 1. Kerjakan do task B page twenty four. 2. Were injured means terluka were injured. The cases of single word code switching that appeared on August 23 rd 2010 were nine cases. The cases appeared in whilst-activity. Two of the cases were presented below. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1. Spread means menyebarkan spread. 2. Trader means pedagang trader. On August 27 th 2010, two cases of single word code switching existed in whilst-activity of teaching English to the third grade students of SMP Karitas Ngaglik. The cases were presented below. 1. Kind means macam kind. 2. Advertisement means iklan advertisement. There were 13 cases of single word code switching that existed on August 30 th 2010. The cases appeared in whilst-activity. Two of the cases were presented below. 1. Prepare means menyiapkan prepare. 2. Dormitory means asrama dormitory. On September 3 rd 2010, there were 10 cases appearing in whilst-activity of teaching English to the third grade students of SMP Karitas Ngaglik. Two of the cases were presented below. 1. Coral means karang coral. 2. Salt means garam salt. From the cases of single word code switching that appeared in teaching English to the third grade students of SMP Karitas Ngaglik, it could be concluded that the teacher translated the English words into Indonesia. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

c. Post-Activity

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