Data Gathering Techniques Code switching in teaching English to the third grade students of SMP Karitas Nganglik.

D. Data Gathering Techniques

In gathering data for the research, the researcher obtained the data in several steps. The researcher gathered the data by observing the teaching and learning process of the third grade students in SMP Karitas Ngaglik in the classroom, distributing the questionnaire to the students, and interviewing the English teacher. First, the researcher observed the teaching-learning process in order to observe the types of code switching that existed in teaching English to the first semester students of the third grade in SMP Karitas Ngaglik. In the observation, the researcher provided checklist and took note in order to gather the data. The checklist consisted of columns of types of code switching and a space column to be filled with words or sentences of code switching. The researcher took notes in order to remember the words or sentences of code switching and additional information outside the checklist. The researcher conducted the observation for six times. It was the checklist of types of code switching adapted from McCormick 1994. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Table 3.1 Sample of Checklist of Types of Code Switching No Code Switching Case Types of Code Switching D S M CS SW IL P WS C Note: D : Diglossic Code Switching S : Situational Code Switching M : Metaphoric Code Switching CS : Conversational Code Switching P : Phrase Code Switching WS: Whole Sentence Code Switching C : Clause Code Switching SW: Single Word Code Switching IL : Integrated Loanwords Code Switching Second, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students at the end of the class. The questionnaire was distributed to all students of the third grade. The questionnaire consisted of some questions. These questions were referred to the general question. The questionnaire was aimed to strengthen the findings about the effects of code switching in teaching English to the first semester students of the third grade in SMP Karitas Ngaglik toward English learning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Third, the researcher interviewed the English teacher. The interview was aimed to strengthen the findings about the reasons for code switching and the effects of code switching in teaching English to the first semester students of the third grade in SMP Karitas Ngaglik toward English learning.

E. Data Analysis Technique

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