Research Benefits Definition of Terms

E. Research Benefits

The researcher expects that this research will give benefits to the readers, the English teachers, the students, the teacher candidates, and the future researchers. 1. The Readers By reading this thesis, the researcher hopes that the readers will have an understandable view about the influences of Indonesian language towards English language in English teaching and learning, particularly in spoken form, through code switching. 2. The English Teachers The researcher expects to give clear explanation about the effects of code switching in English teaching and learning so the English teachers realize when they need to use code switching, and they know the importance of code switching. 3. The Students The benefits for the students are they will consider why the teacher use code switching and they also know the effects of code switching. They also will be able to know their competence in understanding English. 4. The Teacher Candidates The benefits for the teacher candidates are they will know about the real situation in the school and they also be able to make a plan about their classroom PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI later. They are also expected to be able to make a new way that is the best for teaching English, especially in Junior High School grade. 5. The Future Researchers The researcher expects that this thesis will contribute to the future research development. The researcher also hopes that this research will encourage other researchers to conduct further study on code switching.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Code switching M cCormick 1994: 581 explains that “the term „code switching‟ refers to the juxtaposition of elements from two or more languages or dialects. The statement above is also supported by Valdes and Fallis 1977, as cited by Duran, code-switching means the use of two languages concurrently or interchangeably. According to Auer 1998, code-switching relates to, and sometimes indexes social-group membership in bilingual and multilingual communities. Some sociolinguists describe the relationships between code-switching behaviors and class, ethnicity, and other social positions. In this study, code switching means the juxtaposition of elements from Indonesian language in teaching English to the third grade students of SMP Karitas Ngaglik. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2. Third Grade Students In this research, the third grade students refer to the first semester students of the third grade in SMP Karitas Ngaglik. These students are in the range of 14 – 17 years old. The first semester students of the third grade in SMP Karitas Ngaglik are 25 students. There are eighteen male students and seven female students. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter reviews important studies to support the present research. The purpose of this chapter is to give basic principles due to the formulated problems. This chapter consists of two major points, Theoretical Description and Theoretical Framework. Theoretical Description gives explanation of underlying theories

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