Function of Translation The Process of Translation

8 Newmark 1984: 28 says “Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text”. Kridalaksana 1985, in Nababan, 1999:19, “penerjemahan sebagai pemindahan suatu amanat dari bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran dengan pertama-tama mengungkapkan maknanya dan kemudian gaya bahasanya”. Translation as the replacement of message from source language into target language by firstly revealing the meaning and then the style Simatupang 1999: 2 in his book Pengantar Teori Terjemahan states “Menerjemah adalah mengalihkan makna yang terdapat dalam bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran dan mewujudkannya kembali di dalam bahasa sasaran dengan bentuk-bentuk sewajar mungkin menurut aturan-aturan yang berlaku dalam bahasa sasaran”. Translation tries to transfer the meaning in SL to TL in the form that best fit with the rules of TL. As the conclusion of translation based on those definitions given by the experts above, it can be said that translation is a process of transferring the original message of the original author into another language by using the exact meaning of words or the equivalent one.

2.1.2 Function of Translation

Translation functions as medium of communications. As Nida 1981:2 states that translation means communication, because it has three essential elements to form a process of communication. The three essential elements are source, message, and receptor, and these elements must be found in all communication activities. Universitas Sumatera Utara 9 While Duff 1989: 5 states “As a process of communication, translation functions as the medium ‘across the linguistic and cultural barriers’ in conveying the messages written in the foreign languages”. Translation functions as the bridge that crossing the barrier of different language for delivering the message from SL to TL. As stated before that translation is so important in helping people who want to know all about information in this world, moreover information about development of science, technology, and culture by translating the science, technology, and culture book, all people in the target country will get the information about them.. Even, nowadays translation had covered entertainment and our household equipments. For example if we buy an electronic tool or cellular phone, we will get the book guide which is written in foreign languages and its translation, so that we can know and understand how to operate the equipment. While in entertainment, translation has the main role, for instance while we are watching the Hollywood movie, we will see the translation text typed on the screen. The translation text typed on the screen will make moviegoers understand what the movie about is.

2.1.3 The Process of Translation

Nababan 1999:25 divides the process of translation in three major steps. They are as the following: 1. Analyzing the ST. The first step is analyzing the text. We analyze the text by first reading the ST and gain the meaning in the text. We also analyze the linguistics and Universitas Sumatera Utara 10 extralinguistics elements in the text. Linguistics elements is the elements deals with language, while extralinguitics is the elements beyond the language, such as the culture and the social context of the text. In analyzing the linguistics elements, we analyze the text at all level such as in the level of sentence, clause, phrase, and word. By doing this, we can gain the fully understanding of the meaning in the ST. 2. Transferring the meaning The second step is transferring the meaning. In this step the translator has to find the equivalent of the ST. This process happens in mind Nababan called it as proses batin. In means that this process is in the abstract form. 3. Reconstructuring The last step is reconstructuring. After finding the equivalent of ST, we reconstruct it in the form of TL becoming TT. In this step, we must decide what style that suits best to the text and the readers. These three steps would be explained in the following diagram. Analisis Restrukturisasi Pemahanam 1 Evaluasi dan Revisi 3 Figure 1: Translation Process Suryawininata in Nababan 1999:25 PROSES BATIN Transfer Padanan 2 Teks Bahasa Sumber Isi, Makna, Pesan Isi, Makna, Pesan Teks Bahasa Sasaran Universitas Sumatera Utara 11

2.1.4 Types of Translation