This chapter consists of three important parts: a review of related studies, review of related theories, and theoretical framework. A review of related studies discusses two previous studies which have similar topic with this research. Review of related theories consists of several theories applied in this research. The last part is theoretical framework which elaborates the theories to accomplish this research.


1. English – Indonesia Code-Mixing Used by Indonesian Twitter Users as Seen Through Their Tweets Rinakit, 2012 This undergraduate thesis discusses the code mixing used in Twitter. Rinakit sees that the ability of speaking more than one language in Indonesia influences not only in oral communication, but also in written communication. Twitter is one of popular media used for communication. As a tool of communication, the writer found that many Indonesian Twitter users do code mixing in their tweets. Rinakit‟s study was to find out the types of code mixing and the possible reasons of using code mixing. She collected 100 tweets and concluded that there are five types of code mixing namely insertion, unit insertion, idiom and collocation insertion, unit hybridization, and reduplication. Besides, there are also seven possible reasons of using code mixing, showing habitual experience, talking about particular topic, showing mood of the speaker, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI emphasizing a point, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something and showing the speaker‟s desire to be well understood, and other reasons. 2. The Possible Reasons and the Readers‟ Opinion on a Code Switching Phenomenon in Cosmogirl Indonesia Magazine Hastoro, 2010 This undergraduate thesis discusses code switching in Cosmogirl Indonesia magazine. The writer sees that magazines have an important role as a media to receive information. In presenting information, there is a possibility to include code switching from another language, in this case English 2010:4. The phenomena of code switching in the magazine became the reason of the writer to find out the possible reasons of using code switching and the readers‟ opinion about code switching. The result of the study shows that there are seven reasons of using code switching, they are to show lack of facility, to show lack of register, to show mood of the speaker, to emphasize a point, to show habitual experience, to show identity with a group, and to attract attention. The writer also found that there are advantages and disadvantages on the use of code switching collected from the readers‟ opinion. The advantage is to support the English language development, while the disadvantage is to reduce the familiarity of certain words in Indonesian. Actually, this present thesis has the same topic with the first previous study, which is to find out the types code mixing and possible reasons of using code mixing. The differences can be seen on the data and theories used the thesis. Both Rinakit‟s and Hastoro‟s thesis uses written text as the data, while this present PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI thesis used the utterances spoken by Indonesia‟s Marine and Fishery Affairs Minister Susi Pudjiastuti in Mata Najwa.