Types of Code Mixing

the speaker used Indonesian as the main language, the word radio is classified as a code mixing.

4. Types of Code Mixing

This r esearch uses five types of code mixing from Kachru‟s theory as seen in The Bilingual’s Linguistics Repertoire. According to Kachru there are five types of code mixing namely unit insertion, unit hybridization, sentence insertion, idiom and collocation insertion, and reduplication. a. Unit Insertion Unit insertion means the insertion of word, phrase, or dependent clause from different language in single utterance. Here are the examples of unit insertion taken from Redlinger and Park 1980: 340 and Pfaff 1979: An English-German bilingual: And the forggie‟s getting nass. And the forggie‟s getting wet. Hoffman, 1991: 106 A Spanish-English bilingual: Estaba training para pelear. He was training to fight. Wardaugh, 1992: 108 b. Unit Hybridization As stated in Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, hybrid means a something that is the product of mixing two or more different things 2010: 764. Unit hybridization means the mixing of two language in a single word, for PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI example the mixing of a word from one language with suffix from another language as shown below: Aku beli HP pavilion mx50, walau processor-nya Celeron 766 tapi spesifikasinya bagus. I bought HP pavilion mx50, eventhough the processor is Celeron 766, the specification is good. Rinakit, 2012: 12 This example contains the unit hybridization which the word “processor” is combined with Indonesian suffix –nya. The example shows that the speaker mixes the English and Indonesian codes without the changing the meaning of the sentence. c. Sentence Insertion Sentence insertion means inserting the sentences from different language in the utterance. According to Kachru, it refers to an insertion of a sentence from another language into the language base of the discourse 1982: 39. Here is the example taken from Valdes Fallis 1982: 220: A Spanish-English bilingual: „I started going to like this. Y luego decia and then he said, look at the smoke coming out of my fingers.‟ Hoffman, 1991: 111 d. Idiom and Collocation Insertion Idiom is a group of words whose meaning is different from the meaning of the individual words Hornby, 2010: 771. According to Brown and Attardo 2000: 30, collocation is the way that two or more words are associated, for PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI examples “bread and butter, get away with murder, salt and pepper” Rinakit, 2012: 13. There are examples of idiom and collocation insertion: Kita harus menunggu at least satu jam lagi. We have to wait at least an hour. Itu adalah the biggest mistake yang pernah ku lakukan. It was the biggest mistake I that ever did e. Reduplication Reduplication means repeating the word, phrase or sentence by using different code without changes the meaning. There is an example of reduplication in a sentence: Thank you, terima kasih atas bantuannya. Thank you, thank you for your helps. The italic word has the same meaning with the word terima kasih. The speaker mixes the languages by using the different word which has same meaning.

5. Reasons for Code Mixing