Finding Poem 1 : “Buat Gadis Rasid”

69 make the message as relevant and clear as possible. In this kind of translation there are no distortions of the message arising from literalisms, though there are alterations of content, where the translation does not express what the original says or implies. The phrase “Silang siur pelabuhan” that is translated become “From the crossing and criss-crossing of the harbor” in line 12-14 is the unduly free translation which causes unnaturalness because refers to Beekman and Callow 1985 argued the unduly free translation is on the extreme side of the highly literal one. The purpose of the unduly free translation is to make the message as relevant and clear as possible. In this kind of translation there are no distortions of the message arising from literalisms, though there are alterations of content, where the translation does not express what the original says or implies. The sentence “Jadi terserah pada perbandingan dengan cemara bersih hijau, kali yang bersih hijau” that is translated become “That world down there seems to be nothing at all compared to the bright green fir trees, the bright green river” in line 15-16 is the unduly free translation which causes unnaturalness because refers to Beekman and Callow 1985 argued the unduly free translation is on the extreme side of the highly literal one. The purpose of the unduly free translation is to make the message as relevant and clear as possible. In this kind of translation there are no distortions of the message arising from literalisms, though there are alterations of content, where the translation does not express what the original says or implies.

4.3 Finding Poem 1 : “Buat Gadis Rasid”

Line Source Language Target Language Accur acy Inacc uracy Natura lness Unna tural ness Untran slatabl e 70 1 “Buat Gadis Rasid” For Miss Gadis Rasid   2-6 Antara daun-daun hijau padang lapang dan terang anak-anak kecil tidak bersalah, baru bisa lari-larian Among The green leaves The bright, wide fields The tiny, innocent children, just old enough to run   7 Burung-burung merdu The sweetly singing birds   8 Hujan segar dan menyebar The fresh, fertile rain   9 Bangsa muda menjadi baru bisa bilang “aku” The whole new nation, just old enough to say “Me”   10 Dan And   11 Angin tajam yang kering The sharp, dry wind,   11 Tanah semata gersang the barren soil   12- 13 Pasir bangkit menanduskan , daerah dikosongi The swirling eroding sand, areas stripped of everything   14 Kita terapit, cintaku We are squeezed in, my love   15 Mengecil diri _compressed, condensed,   15 Kadang bisa mengisar setapak sometimes able to take a single step_   16 Mari kita lepas Let’s run off,   16- 17 Kita lepas jiwa mencari jadi merpati free our searching souls to be like doves   18 Terbang let’s fly   19- 20 Mengenali gurun, sonder ketemu, sonder mendarat Learn the ways of the desert, not ever meeting, not ever touching The ground   21 -the only possible non-stop flight -the only possible non- stop flight   71 22 Tidak mendapat -   Poem 2 : “BUAT NYONYA N” Line Source Language Target Language Accur acy Inacc uracy Natura lness Unna tural ness Untran slatabl e 1 “Buat Nyonya N” For Mrs N.   2-4 Sudah terlampau puncak pada tahun yang lalu,dan kini dia turun ke rendahan datar. That was too hight mountain , last year, So she’s climbing down where it is flat.   5 Tiba di puncak dan dia sungguh tidak tahu, She got the peak and didn’t know it,   6-10 Burung-burung asing bermain keliling kepalanya dan buah-buah hutan ganjil mencap warna pada gaun. Strange birds were flitting around her head And queer bit is of forest rubbed their colors on her coat.   11 Sepanjang jalan dia terkenang akan jadi satu Along the way she remembers there was someone   12 Atas puncak tinggi sendiri All alone, up on the peak,   13- 15 berjubah angin, dunia di bawah dan lebih dekat kematian Wrapped in the wind and the world, and knowing more about death   16 Tapi hawa tinggal hampa, But the air stayed empty,   16- 17 Tiba di puncak dia sungguh tiada tahu she got to the top and didn’t know it,   18 Jalan yang dulu tidak akan dia tempuh lagi, She won’t risk that first road again,   19 Selanjutnya tidak ada burung- burung asing, From now on there’ll be no strange birds,   20- buah-buah no add patches of   72 21 pandan ganjil fragrant pine. 22 Turun terus. She’s going right down.   22 Sepi. Lonely.   23 Datar-lebar-tidak bertepi The great flat plain has no edges.   24 1949 -   Poem 3 : “Biar Malam Kini Lalu” Line Source Language Target Language Accur acy Inacc uracy Natura lness Unna tural ness Untran slatabl e 1 Biar malam kini lalu LET THIS EVENING GO BY   2 Biar malam kini lalu, Let this evening go by, now.   3 Tjinta, My love-   3 Tapi mimpi masih ganggu yet the dream still chafes,   4 Yang bawa kita bersama sekamar The dream That brought us together here in this room   5 Tinggi seperti gua dan sebisu High as a cave and mute,   6 Stasion achir yang dingin The last cold station   7 Dimalam itu banyak berjejer siur katil-katil In that night lined with criss-crossed beds.   8-9 Kita terbaring dalam sebuah Yang paling jauh terpencil, We lie on the one Set furthest apart.   10 Bisikan kita tidak patju waktu Our whispers don’t push at time.   11- 12 Kita bertjiuman, aku gembira Atas segala tingkahmu, We kiss, i’s delighted With everything you do,   13 Sungguh yang lain disisiku Even though the other alongside me   14- 16 Dengan mata berisi dendam Are watching from their beds   73 Dan tangan lesu jatuh Melihat dari randjang. With hate in their eyes And slack, exhausted hands 17 Apakah dosa, apakah salah Where’s the sin, why the blame,   18 Kecemasan berlimpah sesal The uneasiness flooded with regret   19 Yang dijadikan aku korban That turns me sacrificial   20 Kau lantas lakukan dengan tidak sangsi When quickly, not hesitating, you manage   21 Apa yang tidak bakal kau setuju ? What i’d never meant to agree to ?   22- 23 Dengan lembut kau teriakkan kau sudah terima orang lain Softly you tell me You’ve taken someone else   24- 25 Dan penuh sedih merasa aku orang ketiga dan lantas djalan And, full of sandess, feeling The odd man out, i quickly leave.   Poem 4 : “Puncak” Line Source Language Target Language Accur acy Inacc uracy Natura lness Unna tural ness Untran slatabl e 1 PUNCAK ON TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN   2 Pondering, pondering on you, dear… Pondering,pondering on you. Dear   3 Minggu pagi di sini. It is Sunday morning, here   3-8 Kederasan ramai kota yang terbawa tambah penjoal dalam diri – diputar atau memutar –terasa tertekan; the exitement of the pushing, crowded city, heaping problems Onto problems –whether spinning or spun— Feels quieter, calmer,   8-9 kita berbaring bulat telanjang we’re lying in bed naked,   74 Sehabis apa terucap di kelam tadi, After what we said before, in the darkness, 9-11 kita habis kata sekarang. we’re out of words, now.   12 Berada 2000 m. jauh dari muka laut, Because we’re 6.000 feet away from the sea,   12- 14 Silang siur pelabuhan, from the crossing and criss-crossing of the harbor,   15- 16 Jadi terserah pada perbandingan dengan cemara bersih hijau, kali yang bersih hjau That world down there seems to be nothing at all compared To the bright green fir trees, the bright green river.   17- 21 Maka cintaku sayang, kucoba menjabat tanganmu mendekap wajahmu yang asing, meraih bibirmu di balik rupa. So my love, my darling, i try to cling to your hand To hug your unknown face, to find your relucant lips.   22- 30 Kau terlompat dari ranjang, lari ke tingkap yang masih mengandung kabut, dan kau lihat di sana, bahwa antara cemara bersih hijau dan kali gunung bersih hijau mengembang juga tanya dulu, tanya lama, tanya. You jump out of bed, run to the tiny window still stuffed with fog and there you see between The bright green fir trees and the bright green mountain stream The old question still growing, blooming, the old, old question, the question.   31 1948 -   75 In analyzing all of the data, firstly to find out the accuracy and inaccuracy of four Chairil Anwar poems that are translated into English by Burton Raffel, the writer applies the theoretical frame of accuracy and inaccuray formulated by Larson, then based on the same data, to find out the naturalness and unnaturalness of Chairil Anwar poems that are translated into English by Burton Raffel, the writer applies the theoritical frame of naturalness and unnaturalness proposed by Beekman and Callow. After that, the writer found in poem 1 : “Buat Gadis Rasid” that translated by Burton Raffel, there are 9 accuracies data and 9 inaccuracies data, then based on the same data there are 14 naturalness data and 3 unnaturalness data. Moreover in poem 2 : “Buat Nyonya N” that translated by Burton Raffel, the writer found 7 accuracies data and 9 inaccuracis data, besides based on the same data there are 10 naturalness data and 5 unnaturalness data. In addition in poem 3 : “Biar Malam Kini Lalu” that translated by Burton Raffel, the writer found 12 accuracies data and 8 inaccuracis data, then based on the same data there are 12 naturalness data and 8 unnaturalness data. And the last one, in poem 4 : “Puncak” that translated by Burton Raffel, the writer found 7 accuracies data and 5inaccuracies data, in addition based on the same data there are 8 naturalness data and 3 unnaturalness data. 76 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION