Analisis Teks 3: Akun Twitter Tony Fernandes tonyfernandes

D. Analisis Teks 3: Akun Twitter Tony Fernandes tonyfernandes

Tabel 3 Tweet Tony Fernandes 28 Desember 2014 – 28 Februari 2015 No Tanggal “Kicauan” Tweets 1 20 Februari 2015 Have been busily working on improving everything we can even be for even before investigation is out. We owe it to everyone. 2 9 Februari 2015 Words cannot describe. The test of a true man or woman is when you see them in crisis. This airline will… 3 9 Februari 2015 The staff in AirAsia are really quite hard to describe. The enthusiasm, the genuine care, the hard work. The caregivers in Indonesia. 4 9 Februari 2015 Despite immense pressure got to admit I’m blessed. Many try to take advantage of situation. 5 7 Februari 2015 Miss all my staff and friends in Indonesia. Will be there next week. Feel empty not seeing all of you. See.. 6 14 Januari 2015 it is so sad though seeing our aircraft. I’m gutted and devastated. But hopefully we can find the rest of plane and put closure for families. 7 14 Januari 2015 The pictures are correct. Fuselage found. Needs some work for divers to go in. Thank you all rescue teams. We hope all our guests are there. 8 14 Januari 2015 We hope while the black boxes have been found that all efforts are being put in finding all or guests for the families. Really really pray. 9 11 Januari 2015 We are led to believe Blackbox may have been found. Still not confirmed. But strong info coming. But my man thoughts is fuselage. 10 11 Januari 2015 Let’s hope today is a major breakthrough day and we can find main fuselage. Its important to us to find all our guests. Thanks to Basarnas and all navys. 11 7 Januari 2015 We need to find all parts soon we can find all out guests to ease the pain of our families. That still is our priority. 12 7 Januari 2015 I am led to believe the tail section has been found. If right part of tail section then the black box should be there. 13 5 Januari 2015 human spirit is amazing. Stay strong Airasia all stars. Don’t let newspaper headlines deflect the amazing job you do. Airasia changed flying. 14 5 Januari 2015 we hope and pray for good weather tomorrow so that SAR team can focus on doing the great job that they are doing. 15 5 Januari 2015 Getting hammered by Qpr fans. Only concern is the families affected by our plane. But experimental side today. 19 points. League not cup. 16 5 Januari 2015 Qpr fans hammering me. My concern right now is only amilies of our Surabaya flight. 17 5 Januari 2015 to all my staff strong. Stay focused. Show the world why we have been world’s best for 6 years running. Love you all. 18 5 Januari 2015 Facts will come out. As I have said we are calm, will take the hits now as our focus is families. But time will show what Airasia is all about. 19 5 Januari 2015 Still headlines in Malaysia. Airasia Indonesia aircraft did not have a stalled engine. An Apu which is ground power had to be restarted. 20 5 Januari 2015 Many sensational headlines on Airasia. We have kept quiet as our focus is on families. One by one facts will come out and clear us. 21 3 Januari 2015 Many messages of strength for my staff all over Asia. Makes me sure we will come back stronger. But first and only priority is families. 22 3 Januari 2015 Dear boss…this is part of our effort to share the pain, gather some courage, gaining some energy. This is only teaser. All pictures are inside my cheap camera hahaha… will show to u. first if you notice English mistakes on that paper. We wrote OFF instead of “OF’… Sorry boss… Coming from ramp girls who wrote that themselves after I gave same paper… hipe it can at least make you smile. Together we stand. True We loves you 23 2 Januari 2015 I’m arriving in Surabaya to take Nisa home to Palembang. I cannot describe how I feel. There are no words. 34 2 Januari 2015 One of many messages our guests, what we call passangers have been sending us. Thank you all our guests. Love Tony. 35 1 Januari 2015 If our beautiful and wonderful crew is identified we will go from Surabaya to Palembang with her parents. Heartbreaking soul destroying. 36 1 Januari 2015 I am hoping that the latest information is correct and aircraft has been found. Please all hope together. This is so important. 37 31 Desember 2014 I apologise is Basarnas. Type to quick. I hope they can locate the aircraft quick. 38 31 Desember 2014 On my way back to Suarabaya. I’m touched again by the warmth of everyone in Indonesia and so impressed with Basenas and army. 39 31 Desember 2014 reality of seeing the evacuees and some of my aircraft parts are soul destroying. But we stay strong for the families, Allstars and our guests. 40 31 Desember 2014 Besanas and the Indonesia army, navy, and police have been very transparent and very detailed. I thnk them all for their incredible efforts. 41 31 Desember 2014 At Pengkalan Bun. A very professional job is being done. Hampered by bad weather. First two evacuees has just taken off to Surabaya. 42 31 Desember 2014 Staff from all over asean India and Japan flying to Surabaya to assist our wonderful Indonesia All stars. Seeing it shows how asean could be. 43 31 Desember 2014 I hope to fly evacuation site to thanks everyone for putting in so much effort in finding the site. And keep everyone informed. 44 31 Desember 2014 working with airport to prepare all facilities. And hospital. Chief pilots have been making all arrangements. 45 30 Desember 2014 I am rushing to Surabaya. Whatever we can do at Airasia we will be doing. 46 30 Desember 2014 My heart is filled with sadness for all the families involved in QZ 8501. On behalf of AirAsia my condolences to all. Words cannot express how sorry I am. 47 30 Desember 2014 The relatives of my crew were inspirational and so moving. Their support and love for Airasia was unbelievable. Gave me huge strength. 48 30 Desember 2014 I also met the families of my crew and pilots. Not been able to see 3 families. Engineer, fo and one crew. 49 30 Desember 2014 Been one of my toughest days. Spent a large part of day meeting families of passengers. Doing whatever we can. 50 29 Desember 2014 The warmth and support from the people of Indonesia has been incredible. Everywhere I go. Nothing but pure support. 51 29 Desember 2014 The staff in Indonesia have been brave, strong, committed and doing 150 percent for all our guests. My pride for them is enormous. 52 29 Desember 2014 My Allstars in Surabaya and red house in Jakarta have been amazing. Its at times like this you see the true quality of humans. 53 29 Desember 2014 Keeping positive and staying strong. My heart bleeds for all the relatives of my crew and our passengers. Nothing is more important to us. 54 29 Desember 2014 In Jakarta this morning to communicate with Search and Rescue. All assets… Going back to Surabaya now to be with families. 55 28 Desember 2014 Our priority is looking after all the next of Kin for my staff and passengers. We will do whatever we can. We continue to pass information as it comes. 56 28 Desember 2014 I as your group CEO will be there through these hard times. We will go through this terrible ordeal together and I will try to see as many of you. 57 28 Desember 2014 to all my staff Airasia all stars be strong, continue to be the best. Pray hard. Continue to do your best for all our guests. See u all soon. 58 28 Desember 2014 I am touched by the massive show of support especially from my fellow airlines. This is my worse nightmare. But there is no stopping. 59 28 Desember 2014 my only thought are with the passengers and my crew. We put our hope in the SAR operation and thank the Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysian governments. 60 28 Desember 2014 on my way to Surabaya where most of the passengers are from as with my Indonesian management. Providing information as we get it. 61 28 Desember 2014 we will be putting out another statement soon. Thank you for all your thoughts and prays. We must stay strong. 62 28 Desember 2014 [retweeted] AirAsia Indonesia regrets to confirm that QZ8501 from Surabaya to Singapore has lost contact at 07:24 hrs this morning on.fb.me1xpx5pl Perangkat Framing: 1. Struktur Sintaksis. Karena dibatasi oleh karakter maksimum yang bisa digunakan 140 karakter, Tony Fernandes menyampaian kicauan dalam bentuk yang singkat dan padat, dengan skema: “informasi yang ingin disampaikan” dan “apa yang ia rasakan”. Tak ada template khusus yang digunakan Tony dalam menyampaikan pesan. Dari struktur sintaksis yang digunakan, tampak bahwa prioritas pesan Tony Fernandes adalah simpati dan prioritas bagi korban dan keluarganya, informasi terkini terkait penerbangan QZ8501, dan dukungan bagi orang-orang yang bekerja basarnas, relawan, dll dan tim AirAsia dalam menghadapi musibah ini. 2. Struktur Skrip. Struktur skrip yang dominan digunakan oleh Tony Fernandes adalah unsur “What” update informasi, apa yang dirasakan, apa yang ingin disampaikan dan “Who” korban, keluarga korban, tim AirAsia, Basarnas, dll. 3. Struktur Tematik. Melalui kicauan-kicauannya, Tony Fernandes mencoba membangun 2 struktur tematik utama, yaitu 1 bahwa korban dan keluarganya adalah prioritas utama dalam proses penanganan krisis, dan 2 situasi krisis ini akan bisa dilalui jika semua pihak bekerja bersama-sama. 4. Struktur Retoris. Meski “together we stand” menjadi tagline kampanye PR AirAsia segera setelah terjadinya musibah yang menimpa pesawat QZ8501, Tony Fernandes tidak pernah menggunakan tagar tersebut dalam kicauan-kicauannya. Ia memilih menggunakan pilihan-pilihan kata dan kalimat yang mewakili dirinya sendiri sehingga mengesankan kicauannya sebagai genuine, spontan, dan personal. Interpretasi: Berbeda dengan akun resmi AirAsia dan AirAsia Indonesia, akun Twitter Tony Fernandes lebih personal dan dikemas dengan bahasa yang non-formal. Tony juga tidak menggunakan sebuah template. Hal ini mengisyaratkan bahwa kicauannya bersifat spontan dan mencerminkan kesungguhan hatinya dalam menyampaikan pesan-pesan tersebut. Karena empatik, kicauan- kicauan Tony Fernandes beberapa kali di re-tweet dikicaukan ulang baik oleh akun AirAsia maupun AirAsiaId. Tony Fernandes juga cukup aktif mengunggah tweet setiap harinya. Bahkan pada tanggal 28 Desember 2014 ketika pesawat QZ8501 dinyatakan hilang dan 30 Desember 2014 ketika mulai ditemukan petunjuk awal mengenai keberadaan pesawat, Tony Fernandes mengunggah hingga 8 kicauan dalam sehari. Dalam kicauan-kicauannya, Tony Fernandes menampilkan dua identitas diri; yaitu: 1. Sebagai CEO AirAsia; ditunjukkan dengan penggunaan kata ganti jamak kami, AirAsia, we, us, our dalam kicauannya. Misalnya: a. We will be putting out another statement soon. Thank you for all your thoughts and prays. We must stay strong. 28 Desember 2014 b. Our priority is looking after all the next of Kin for my staff and passengers. We will do whatever we can. We continue to pass information as it comes. 28 Desember 2014 c. Been one of my toughest days. Spent a large part of day meeting families of passengers. Doing whatever we can. 30 Desember 2014 2. Sebagai pribadi; ditunjukkan dengan penggunaan kata ganti orang pertama tunggal dalam kicauannya. Misalnya: a. On my way to Surabaya where most of the passengers are from as with my Indonesian management. Providing information as we get it. 28 Desember 2014 b. My only thought are with the passengers and my crew. We put our hope in the SAR operation and thank the Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysian governments. 28 Desember 2014 c. I am touched by the massive show of support especially from my fellow airlines. This is my worse nightmare. But there is no stopping. 28 Desember 2014 Kicauan Tony Fernandes juga lebih beragam. Selain memberikan informasi mengenai perkembangan pencarian dan evakuasi korban, kicauannya menampilkan: 1. Rasa duka dan simpati bagi korban dan keluarganya; misalnya: a. Reality of seeing the evacuees and some of my aircraft parts are soul destroying. But we stay strong for the families, Allstars and our guests. 31 Desember 2014 b. I’m arriving in Surabaya to take Nisa home to Palembang. I cannot describe how I feel. There are no words. 2 Januari 2015 2. Tentang prioritas pada keluarga korban; misalnya: a. We need to find all parts soon we can find all out guests to ease the pain of our families. That still is our priority. 7 Januari 2015 b. It is so sad though seeing our aircraft. I’m gutted and devastated. But hopefully we can find the rest of plane and put closure for families. 14 Januari 2015 3. Ucapan terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak; misalnya: a. Let’s hope today is a major breakthrough day and we can find main fuselage. Its important to us to find all our guests. Thanks to Basarnas and all navys. 11 Januari 2015 b. Have been busily working on improving everything we can even be for even before investigation is out. We owe it to everyone. 20 Februari 2015 4. Tentang pentingnya informasi dan transparansi bagi semua pihak; misalnya: a. Many sensational headlines on Airasia. We have kept quiet as our focus is on families. One by one facts will come out and clear us. 5 Januari 2015 b. The pictures are correct. Fuselage found. Needs some work for divers to go in. Thank you all rescue teams. We hope all our guests are there. 14 Januari 2015 5. Peran pemimpin dalam melalui masa krisis; misalnya: a. Human spirit is amazing. Stay strong Airasia all stars. Don’t let newspaper headlines deflect the amazing job you do. Airasia changed flying. 5 Januari 2015 b. Words cannot describe. The test of a true man or woman is when you see them in crisis. 9 Februari 2015

E. Kemampuan Mengidentifikasi Krisis